Icons on drill bar

I have a very stupid question which I am sure will embarrass me after I ask it…but I don’t understand two of the icons on the bar on the upper left hand corner during drills.

First, is a little broom with a plus sign. I thought, at first, it was showing me how many ghosts I have swept away, but the number doesn’t quite seem to correspond to anything.

The second is the…numbers. For example, my numbers are currently 12/19. I read this to mean I have done 12 out of 19 available drills. But the numbers do not advance from 12/19 to 13/19. I take this to mean I have a total of 19 drills and 6 to go. I did a drill and the numbers advanced to 13/20. Then the little broom on the right advanced from 6 to 7.

I am sure the answer is obvious and I will feel old and stupid, but it really bothers me that I can’t interpret what the numbers are doing. I have searched to avoid embarrassing myself, but don’t find an explanation. Many thanks in advance.


There’s a check mark with a couple of numbers to the right. In your example, there was 12/19. This means that you correctly answered 12 questions out of 19. When you get the next one right, it changes to 13/20, because now you’ve done 20 and gotten 13 correct.

Next to that is a box that looks like it could hold cards. To the right of that is the number of reviews you have left. If 30 were available and you’ve done 20, there are 10 left that you haven’t seen.

Lastly, the far right has a broom and a number. This is how many reviews you’ve missed and can “sweep up” at the end of the session.

If you leave a session before finishing all the reviews, it will ask if you want to try the ones you’ve already missed. So if you had 30 reviews going in but only had time for 10, you could still complete those 10 even if you missed some.


Thank you for taking the time to explain this so clearly to me. Of course now I think…well, duh. But thank you again for really walking me through all the little numbers and icons. Rather embarrassed by my drill numbers…they aren’t always this bad! I swear! Happy New Year to you and to everyone else out there…


There are no dumb questions!

Thank you @BadgerN00b for the explanations.

I’ve tried to add lots of tooltips to sections of the UI that has no text (mainly icons).
So always try long-hover on items if you’re on PC.

E.g. hovering over the number reveals:
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 14.02.39


I’m on a Mac, so maybe I need to change something to see the explanations pop up when I hover? Currently they don’t…maybe shame on me for using a Mac? I do want to say I love this app. I feel like people only show up with complaints and it doesn’t feel right only to post a complaint. So let me also thank you for the great learning tool!


No shame at all! I’m on a Macbook too. :nerd_face:

The hover required is particularly long :joy:
You’re using a Macbook then yeah? Not an iPad/iPhone?

Also thanks for your kind words!