Idea: Study only with words you know via WaniKani?

I’ll be embarrassed if it can already do this, but how cool would it be if you could sync Bunpro with WaniKani and it only uses vocabulary that you’ve learned using WaniKani? It’s nice to know how to say “It is beautiful” when I first start Bunpro, but I’m not going to get to the word “beautiful” on WaniKani until level 29. I recently reset over here (like I did here) so I’m level 4 or something there. I’m sure I’ve learned other adjectives that could be used in sentences.

If it’s a limitation of not being able to get native speaker audio for all the possibilities, I get that, but honestly I would rather study sentences with words I know than have native speaker audio.

But everyone knows different words. How would they create sentences that work for everyone?


I think that would really limit the amount of example sentences. If you are on a low wanikani level there are hardly any you would see. Also, it’s good to encounter new words in sentences and usage, and the words used in Bunpro have all been fairly common so good to learn anyway (at least so far for me).


I just wish there was one place where you could go to learn vocab/grammar/sentences at the same pace. Even Duolingo kinda gets this right, but of course Duolingo is not going to teach you much Japanese. :slight_smile:

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Hey :smile:

I think it would be too limiting. Not to mention that one of Bunpro’s goals is to prepare people for the JLPT exam, where a lot of vocabulary is used. Plus, we want to teach is to use context clues to understand the whole text (JLPT is also checking this ability). Generally, you don’t need to understand every single word to understand the sentence. Also, there is a huge hint: the translation.

However, using yomichan plugin (chrome/opera/ firefox) (on PC), or google translator app’s “tap to translate” function on android may help you. Those two will translate the unknown words for you.

Also, you can useAnki to reinforce vocabulary you won’t learn on wanikani.

If you use yomichan, you can add a new word to your Anki deck directly from your web-browser (including the whole sentence) with translation etc. (assuming you are using PC). You can also do similar thing on android by sending a word to “ankidroid” (anki for android).

By the way, you can sync Bunpro with Wanikani to some extent. If you do so, the furigana for known words won’t appear.


Your suggestion seems to be based on an incorrect assumption what WK actually is. It’s NOT to teach vocabulary, but kanji. Yes, you’ll learn some vocabulary on the way but their sole purpose is to reinforce the kanji. You must learn vocabulary from another source (anki, memrise …) anyway. As @mrnoone has already mentioned, Yomichan/Rikaichan are a great help too.

These places exist, they are called language schools. :slight_smile:

BTW: A great Anki Deck would be

i’m too cool for school :slight_smile:

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Try above mentioned and your learning experience will improve drastically. :+1:

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Well I got Yomichan and I figured that out, and I installed AnkiConnect and figured out how to add kanji (though not terms) to a deck, but it didn’t look right. It made 2 cards, neither with useful information. Is there a site or video that shows you how to make useful templates for the cards?

Also, I really don’t like Anki, so I’m really not happy about having to do this!! :slight_smile:


You can just use it to look up words on the fly. You don’t need to use the Anki integration.


Yeah, Anki isn’t particularly beautiful hahaha :laughing:

So, did you add kanji dictionary and vocabulary dictionary to it?

I will make a screenshot of my settings for you tomorrow. :+1:

Like @seanblue says, you can just use a look-up.

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I added dictionaries to Yomichan
Looking forward to seeing your Anki settings for Yomichan :slight_smile:

The real strength of anki lies in plugins.
I am not sure which version you are using, but I am using the older one.

So I needed js_booster addon so scripts using more advanced javascript would work.

Another necessary plugin is anki connect for yomichan.

Japanese support plugin has many useful features, including auto adding furigana to words.

Another useful plugin is Japanese example sentences. If you add a word to anki it will add example sentences to it. It can also add example sentences to all selected cards.
You need a field called “Examples”.

Cloze furigana tools to add furigana to existing sentences and many other functions.

Awesome TTS adds automatically generated audio to sentences. (remember that yomichan downloads audio for the word you have chosen to add)

So let’s go to my fields in yomichan:
Deck: name of a deck
Model: type of card

A field in a card - Value
Expression: {expression}
Text: {cloze-prefix}「{cloze-body}」{cloze-suffix}
Audio: {audio}
Meaning: {glossary}
Reading: {furigana}
Hint: {reading}

You can download my deck template here and use it.

It should work out of the box with those inputs I provided for yomichan, and also with those plugins. Not to mention it looks decent not only on PC but also on Android.

I hope it helps.


woah, i really need to take a look at these tools. auto-generated sentences sounds excellent.

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hmm so I thought you were sending me Yomichan templates? This imported into Anki but not sure how to use it with Yomichan.

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I try to study some words I run into while doing reviews.
Wanikani misses out on some very basic and important words until higher levels.
Mostly because wanikani teaches kanji and vocab is just there to reinforce the kanji.
There are lots of words that Genki teaches you in the early chapters that wanikani does not teach until much higher levels.
Wont hurt to look up the words as you go, then you learn more and more.

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You have to right click yomichan, choose options and then in the window that will open, select “enable anki intergration”.
(assuming you have installed “anki connect” addon to anki)

The text fields will appear. To make it work with the template I provided you have to fill them like below.

Deck: choose the name of a deck to which you want to add words
Model: choose “example sentences Japanese…”

A field in a card - what you should write
Expression: {expression}
Text: {cloze-prefix}「{cloze-body}」{cloze-suffix}
Audio: {audio}
Meaning: {glossary}
Reading: {furigana}
Hint: {reading}

Now you simply find an unknown word in text (徒然), use yomichan to read it (shift) and click on the plus button at the top-right corner.

The new card will be created and added to the selected deck.

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On mobile my favorite combo is

I modified the great Jisho script so it will open the review sentence in Takoboto, where I see a list of every word with translation. One tap in a word opens further details and with one tap on “send to AnkiDroid” Takoboto will send the word PLUS example sentence and part of speech information automatically to the Takoboto Anki deck.

I styled this deck in Ankidroid with lots of JS and CSS, also TTS reads every sentence aloud and the whole deck is super useful for vocabulary.


I’d like to use your template but it has expired on Zoom. Can you upload it again please?

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Yes, I will do this tomorrow :grin: