I understand this has been a Bunpro problem discussed here before, but it’s really starting to wear me down in the last portions of material. I love Bunpro. I think it’s the most effective study tool I’ve ever used, even having previously taken a couple years of classes, and I think it’s because of what I’ve learned on here that I can understand real Japanese at all. But when I know how to express anything that I need in order to fill in a blank, but I can never get it right because I have to cycle through all of the possible options I know before eventually giving up and seeing that it was the last one I didn’t think of, I lose the will to keep trying at those prompts, and eventually just don’t get through all of my reviews. And when I don’t get through all of my reviews, I don’t get to my lessons to avoid growing the stack, and so my grammar learning stagnates.
Am I just holding it wrong? Most synonyms (but not all, in my experience) will trigger a warning telling me to be more or less formal, more or less nuanced, or just the nebulous something-else. Based on this I feel like I should be able to hone in on the right answers, but after fighting with it for a couple years I feel like even if I understand formality and nuance, I still can’t pick the right one. I regularly go back and read the entries for these grammar points after hitting a problem like this to try and drill into my head which one means “more nuanced,” but usually I either can’t figure out the comparative difference, or it just doesn’t stick for next time.
And, if it’s not me and this is a problem with spaced repetition for grammar, are there any solutions? I’ve been experimenting with creating my own SRS tools to bring the things I love from Bunpro to other languages, but I worry that in the process I’m going to create the same problems. I’m curious to know if anyone else has thought about this.
That’s my gripe. I’d love to know if either I can be doing something different, or if there is a future path out of this problem for SRS content creators.