である in the middle of sentence?

Second line from the right, 東洋の薬である可能性が強い
Of course bunpro has the である that means です, but it mentions nothing of である being used in the middle of a sentence and I can’t find anything on this elsewhere. It seems that it means 東洋の薬の可能性, can である just replace any の?


Hey @toejam
This is a great question and you have actually answered yourself.
Unlike だ, である can be used to modify nouns (prenominal use). So it can basically work like の when follows a noun modifying noun or like な when it follows a なadjective modifying noun.
Compared to those two, it feels more formal.

猫であるより子猫であるほうがかわいい (notice that it possible to add である in places where の or な are not usually added, like より)
Kittens are cuter than cats.



Thank you! Is that to say that である can replace any の when it follows a noun modifying noun? Like in this example, can you say 東洋である薬である可能性? Or 東洋である薬の可能性?

I feel that it’s best as 東洋の薬である可能性が強い where である is last in the ‘chain’ and is not repeated.

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Then, in a chain of these noun modifying の’s, can you always replace the final with である? E.g., 竜王の剣である力が凄まじい

Strong possibility that it is an oriental medicine.

By the way, after some internal discussion, this might be also particle で + ある, which would mean
東洋の薬で (with oriental drug/medicine) ある (certain) 可能性が強い (possibility is high)
