Incorrect Review SRS question

Just started seriously using Bunpro and I’m really liking it. One behavior that is bothering me though is that if I make a mistake on a review and it comes up red, I erase it and try again until I get it right. Unfortunately the result is that it marks that Grammar review as “correct” instead of “incorrect” though I may have gotten it wrong multiple times. I’m sure this is messing up the SRS substantially because it thinks I’m getting things right when I’m not.

This behavior is also quite different than what I’m used to in WK and other places. Is there a setting somewhere to fix it? I’ve been resorting to going back and putting in an incorrect answer once I get it right.

I guess the other way is to NOT work to get it correct and move on. I hate to just get a wrong answer and move on but maybe that’s the way I HAVE to do it?

Anyhow if someone can let me know, that would be great.


If you get an answer wrong and proceed, it will mark the grammar point as ‘incorrect’ and will move the review to the end of the queue. So that grammar point will come back again, and if you get it wrong again it will keep moving it back until you put the right answer.

I don’t think that’s any different from WK?

The ‘Oops’ button is more for situations where you knew the answer, but mistyped a character. It lets you fix the mistake so you’re credited with getting it ‘correct’ first try.


Welcome to Bunpro and welcome to the forums! Glad you’re liking our app.

What @MollieCat said!
Marking it as wrong, proceeding to the next question and finishing it later (‘wrapping it up’) is the correct flow to get the most out of the SRS feature here


You are not the only one! I have been making that same mistake of correcting my answers using backspace for my first 60 days of using the app. Only recently have I realised that this has been artifically inflating my accuracies…

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Thanks everyone. I’ll stop using backspace to correct and let it roll to the end.

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Or do what I do, oops, and rewrite until I get the right answer, and then after I get it right oops one more time and input a wrong answer again to it is marked correctly.

It’s a weird flow but works for me.


Yeah i do this too… there has to be more of us… :thinking:

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That’s what I started doing when I realized what was going on. Now I’m trying to decide which is better for learning, just keep trying until I get the last answer or let it slide to the end for a view minutes before I try again. Once it gets to the end it’ll keep reappearing until I get it right. Hmmm…

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Same, forces me to recall/remember, instead of just seeing the answer & moving on.


I am quite confused that many people are using the review system in this hacky way (backspace until you get it right and then inputing gibberish to mark it wrong). Why isn’t there a way of marking the review wrong if the first answer wasn’t right ?

The review page gives me tips to fix my answer, so of course I want to fix. Typing the right answer myself also helps me remember it, instead of looking at the answer and move on only to find later that I still can’t get it.

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When I get an answer wrong I just check the information on the grammar point and continue without undoing and typing the correct answer, this way the same question will come back at the end of the review session where I can enter the correct answer without messing up the SRS.


This feature can be used when fixing a typo, so I think it’s worth preserving.


Yeah, I probably typo something or don’t notice it wants past tense (when making it past tense is trivial, the question is about something else) at least twice a session. Without oops I’d be drowning in frustration about these things, because actual wrong answers should dump your SRS level down, but typos really shouldn’t. So the oops feature is vital.

I really don’t think there’s much point fixing it right after you got it wrong, you just saw the answer! I take a second to review the grammar info and why I was wrong, then move to the next one. Fairly often I still remember what I did wrong when I get to the wrap-up part of the review session, but if not then I have to answer it over and over until I can actually remember it anyway. I feel like just using it normally is just a more efficient way of actually getting it into my head.


If the undo option was removed, I would probably stop using this website. If I am the one learning, then I should be able to pick if I want to redo a review because I typed something wrong, or was just thinking of something else. I don’t think anyone here that actually wanted to learn would abuse it…because if you did what is the point of being here?


Thank you for your advices, I have a better understanding of how to do review properly now. And as you pointed out, the oops button is essential for tipos or inattention mistakes, it should not be removed.


I agree it’s a little tacky the way I and other’s use it, but as it stands I think that is is one of the better ways without a massive UX overhaul which they already did.