Great, week 4 already! But I’m away for the New Year holiday for a couple of days… so I’ll be back to catch up on this in a few day’s time. See you then!
Day one
What is the sign saying about masks?
感染予防 - かんせんよぼう - infection prevention; disease control
のため - for the purpose of
スタッフ - staff
は - topic marker
マスク - mask/s
等 - etc, and so on
を - object marker
着用 - ちゃくよう - wearing
しております - grammar!
For the purpose of infection control, our staff are wearing masks.
ご来店 - らいてん - coming to the store
の際 - when, on the occasion of
は - topic marker
マスク - mask/s
の - particle
着用 - ちゃくよう - wearing
を - object marker
お願いいたします - please
Please (also) wear a mask when coming to our store
Day two
What are the main initiatives in effect?
主な - おもな - main
取組み - とりくみ - efforts, initiatives
- money goes in the tray, keep your grubby disease-ridden hands to yourself
- our staff will be behind screens, to protect them from your disgusting diseases
- keep your distance!
I’m behind in everything, @ThousandJP and @eclipse77x have already posted their answers, and in real life there is no way I’d ever try to decipher all that text when the pictures explain everything you really need to know!
Day three
Back at Pompadour for some bread, what are the four adjustment they have made?
しばらくの間パンは個包装をさせて頂きます。 ご不便をお掛けして申し訳ございませんが、 包装されたパンは直接手で触れず、トングでのご利用をお願い致します.
しばらくの間 - しばらくこのあいだ - for a while
パンは - bread + topic marker
個包装を - こほうそう - individual packaging + object marker
させて頂きます - させていただきます - will do (super polite and difficult grammar I don’t understand)
ご不便を - ごふべんを - inconvenience +topic marker
お掛けして - ???
申し訳ございません - もうしわけございません - sorry
が - but
包装 - ほうそう - packaging
された - grammar I don’t understand
パンは - bread + topic marker
直接 - ちょくせつ - direct
手 - て - hand
で - with
触れず - ふれず - without touching
トング - tongs
で - with
の - particle
ご利用 を - ごりよう - usage +topic marker
お願い致します - おねがいたします - please
For a while all our bread will be individually wrapped. Even so, we’re sorry for the inconvenience, but please don’t touch anything directly, but use the tongs.
I’m totally run out time here now, but the other points are:
- No free samples
- wear masks
- tongs wiped with alcohol
Day four
This shop seems to be employing a different strategy than what we’ve seen from other stores so far. What does the sign say?
分散 - ぶんさん - dispersion
来店 - らいてん - coming to a store
ご協力 - ごきょうりょく - cooperation
の - particle
お願い - おねがい - please
Please work together with us to disperse visits to our store
当店は - とうてんは - this store + topic particle
下記の - かきの - the following:
時間帯が - じかんたいが - time slots + identifier particle
比較的 - ひかくてき - relatively
空いております - すいております - less crowded
This store is relatively less crowded during the following time slot:
喫茶 - きっさ - coffee shop
3pm to 6pm
So, please visit the shop during this time!
Day five
What other recommendations do they have in place?
少人数、 短時間でのお買物をお願いします
少人数 - しょうにんずう - small number of people
短時間 - たんじかん - short time
での - particles
お買物 - おかいもの - shopping
を - object marker
お願いします - おねがいします - please
Please shop in small numbers of people and for short periods only
館内では不織布マスクの正しい着用に ご協力をお願いします
館内で - かんないで - inside the building
は - topic marker
不織布 - ふしょくふ - non-woven
マスク - mask
の - particle
正しい - ただし - correct
着用に - ちゃくように - wearing
ご協力 - ごきょうりょく - cooperation
を - object marker
お願いします - おねがいします - please
Please correctly wear a non-woven mask when inside the building
レジにお並びの際などは 1.8メートル以上 間隔をあけていただくようお願いします
レジに - at the till
お並び - おならび - line
の - particle
際 - さい - time
など - etc
は - topic marker
1.8メートル - 1.8 metres
以上 - いじょう - not less than
間隔 - かんかく - space
を - object marker
あけていただくよう - grammar
お願いします - おねがいします - please
Please leave a space of at least 1.8 metres when in line for the till
Day six
Beans, another familiar location from our first stroll around the station. What measures have Beans taken to reassure shoppers?
I have a terrible habit of biting off more than I can chew when it comes to studying Japanese, and in this project I’m doing the very same again.
So today I’m going to do something very different to what I’ve done so far up till now. Instead of using the dictionary and working through each sentence, what I’m going to do is simply write down what I actually understand, with no help or cheating at all…
…and then I’ll compare it to the other answers given later.
So, okay, here we go…, I’ll use Google Translate to turn the image into text, but I won’t look at the translation, and I’m not going to use Jisho, no DeepL, nothing at all….
What I know:
Inside the building の kanji/kanji/kanji を kanji し, kanji の kanji を going
My guess:
The shop is listing (し) measures it is taking inside the building. I recognise 消, which means disappear, so I’m guessing it’s about cleaning. Why it all ends with 行っています baffles me!
What I know:
Customers の kanji が many kanji-place の kanji/kanji を going
What I guess:
We have 消毒 again, which I reckon must mean cleaning again, but this time it’s all about the customers. I could be asking customers to clean their hands, but I’d expect a much more polite ending in that case. We have ‘place’ too, and the same 行っています ending, so I reckon the shop is cleaning customer areas or something.
What I know:
Inside the building は kanji-切 な kanji を going
What I guess
Clearly 行っています does not mean going, it is a way of saying what the shop is doing. They’re doing something in the building, something important, but I give up on this one, totally lost.
What I know:
Exit entrance gate に hand kanji-消-kanji を kanji-put
What I guess:
Easy-peasy! There is hand sanitiser by the entrance and exits
What I know (easy one!):
The hand dryers in the toilets have been switched off
(Because nothing says hygiene more than people flicking their wet hands around in the air to dry them!)
What I know:
Kanji や bakery etc は kanji hiragana pack kanji へ kanji doing
What I guess
Bakery goods are wrapped
What I know:
Shop-kanji in の kanji-drink/kanji-food を stopped
What I guess:
No eating or drinking in the shop (no samples?)
Well, that’s what I can manage. Awful, but getting there!
Day seven
What does the remaining middle section of the sign say?
Key points:
ディスタンス, social distance, and 3密, さんみつ, the 3Cs.
床面シール等, ゆかめんシールなど, floor stickers etc to show the way
休憩, きゅうけい, rest スペース space is 中止, ちゅうし, cancelled
飛沫防止シート, ひまつぼうししーと, plastic screens installed
Check the ホームページ for 混雑時間, こんざつじかん, busy times, etc
No more busy エベントs I’m afraid
出入り口, でいりぐち, entrances/exits to be 一方通行, いっぽうつうこう, one way
Another fabulous week! Thank you so much to @ThousandJP and to @eclipse77x !