Is it okay to correct myself?

When I get something wrong I review the “info” then correct my answer. But at the end I end up marked as 100% correct. Is this how it’s supposed to be done? I don’t want to mess up the SRS and make it think I know things.
I’m also confused because every once in a while it’ll be marked as not 100% so I just need clarification on how this works.


I think the intention is that unless it is a typo you just continue with the reviews - it will shuffle failed items to the end of the review queue where you can review them again.

Otherwise it will mark them as correct and your next review will pushed too far into the future, and no ghost reviews will be created if you are using them. Which is what you’ve noticed by the sounds of things.


The undo function (backspace key) is not intended to be used like that, that will cause trouble in your learning progress because the intervals get bigger even if you don’t know the answer.

My own philosophy for the undo function is:

  • typos are okay to correct
  • if my mistake has nothing to do with the grammar point (e.g. wrong te-form) and I got the actual grammar point right I undo and correct it
  • if I just couldn’t remember a word but I know it very well, undo is okay (happens a lot with sukoshimo for some reason and that was within the first maybe 50 words I learned ages ago); the problem doesn’t seem to lie in the grammar there and Bunpro is only about grammar for me
  • when I don’t feel well (flu, very tired etc) and I answer cards wrong that I usually always get right it’s probably just my condition and I decide on a case to case base whether to mark it wrong or undo it

In the end marking a card as incorrect or correct will influence how often it is shown. If it doesn’t make any sense to show it more often, undo and correction should be fine.


I see. I’m used to Wanikani automatically marking things wrong and then letting me review it. I see now I have to click the X. Thanks.


Yeah this is a similar set of conditions I use for my own Reviews too…

I also completely reset higher-level items if I see them in the wild and don’t recognize them/get confused by them etc. :sob: