Is it working correctly?

So I’m a new user, I set a goal of two grammar points per day but they do not stack up. Also, no quiz appear at all, when I read a grammar chapter I scroll to the end and nothing happens, if I manually add it to the reviews and complete it I still have my objective unfulfilled with 0/2 points learned.

Am I doing something wrong?

You should add a deck to study by checking the “Actively Learning” button on a deck’s settings page.


During lessons, you’ll notice that there’s a #/# in the right corner indicating how many you’ve gone through. The arrows will be used to cycle through that. Once you get to the last one, in your case, 2/2, if you click on the right arrow again it’ll take you to a review screen where you’ll get the quiz. This is what it’ll look like:

This doesn’t trigger when you scroll down all the way to the bottom, but once you go through all the lessons it will. Hopefully that helps!


Doesn’t work, I already tried. I scrolled to the bottom multiple times, even tried a different browser. Once I arrive to the bottom of the page nothing happens. On the side I have three options: 1) mark as mastered, 2)add note 3)open in a new tab

Scrolling to the bottom does nothing, you need to use these buttons.


Ah my apologies, I misread your answer. Is it normal though that I get only a single test?

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Yes, you’ll get those reviews later on since the quiz acts as that first review.

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Might also be the deck’s batch size setting

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Allright thanks. I was getting worried because I also got a lot of 500 Internal Server Error

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We were having some server issues over the past 24 hours, so this might have had some relation to what you’re experiencing.

If you notice this again, please send me a DM and I can look into this for you.
Just logged into your account and the Learn (for learning items from your chosen Deck) feature seems like it’s working fine.

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I can confirm that now everything seems ok!