Is 力 really read as りき in these sentences?

I am aware of this reading for 力, but I would of thought that ちから is the reading to go with in these examples and indeed every other example sentence for this card. Would appreciate any insight.

I noticed all the examples sentences are either 力がある or 力をつける. Perhaps it’s read as りき only in those circumstances?

(Also, do let me know if there’s a general/small language questions thread that I’ve missed.)


I don’t know the answer, but after comparing dictionary entries (りきとは? 意味・読み方・使い方をわかりやすく解説 - goo国語辞書 and ちからとは? 意味・読み方・使い方をわかりやすく解説 - goo国語辞書) and some online answers, it seems like りき is used more by the sports world, athletes, gym bros, that kind of idea?
And ちから is still a valid reading for both 力をつける and 力がある unless there’s specifically furigana attached.


Thank you that’s really helpful! I need get into the habit of checking the Japanese definitions