Is there a keyboard shortcut to master a vocab?

My Wanikani sync doesn’t seem fully up to date, so sometimes I learn vocab on Bunpro which I then learn on Wanikani, removing the need to also review it on Bunpro.

Is there a faster way to master a vocab item during reviews than having to click on the sidebar - cog - master item each time?

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Currently there is no hotkey for that unfortunately :confused:

How often are you having to do this?

Ok thank you! Due to my current pace on WK and Bunpro and the resulting overlap, probably at least 2-5 times per larger (~100+) review session. I’ve started to just review vocab I know anyway because it’s faster than mastering it mid review :sweat_smile:

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to add; this goes for Learn sessions too actually, it would be great if there was a faster way to mark a word in the learning queue as mastered so it’s not added to reviews.

I generally go through a deck and mark all vocab I know as mastered upfront to avoid having to do it mid learning session, but because I then progress on WK and learn more there I still have known words in my learn queue anyway when I get to them.

Hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

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Makes sense!

A hotkey makes sense for Learn, I’m skeptical for Quiz for some reason.
Maybe because accidentally pressing a button is more likely


Yeah I was thinking this, but maybe if it’s a triple key combination it would make it less likely, or having an option to revert the last change? Or a way to enable/disable it, I’m not sure.

Either way, thanks for the response! :slight_smile:

I can attest that having a shortcut to master the word I already know would be extremely useful. Something akin Shift+@ Anki suspend. One of the reasons I stopped learning vocab via Bunpro (besides its a bit too rigid SRS algorithm) is that I was encountering too many words that I already knew and a lot of katakana words that I didn’t want to learn (just reading them was enough to understand most of them). Going through the list and mastering them all manually is too much of a hassle, as opposed to on-the-fly suspension as you encounter them in Learn.


I would also find this very useful.

As an aside, I’ve found that recently (my last 2 wk levels at least), my Wanikani vocab hasn’t been updated to mastered automatically, and doesn’t get updated even if I manually import. Has anyone else noticed this?

Will add this to my to-do list!


ありがとうございます :bowing_woman:

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I have the same problem. I tried to sync with WaniKani but nothing happened. After the sync a message would be useful to see that it worked or how many vocab has been synced

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Welcome to the forums!

I believe some of the other devs are discussing/tracking this bug at this very moment.

@lisaef @Kukloed @SebastianLassen

I’ve just added two hotkeys:

  • Ctrl + Shift + A – Add to Reviews
  • Ctrl + Shift + M – Mark as Mastered

NOTE that only the Mark as Mastered one works during Learn.

Let me know if you find these helpful!


Thank you! Very handy to quickly go through the vocab decks to find N-level specific vocab I have not yet learned.

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Thank you! Now I can master all the easy katakana words :grin:

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I noticed something slightly annoying while going through a batch. Every time you use the shortcut or click master, it goes back to the previous item instead of the next in line.

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That’s great!

But I would really appreciate if the “Mark as Mastered” shortcut could be used during reviews too.

Basically, I don’t use “Learn”, because I pick and choose which items to learn manually from among many different decks.
But whenever I’ve had enough of seeing the same katakana word appearing in reviews, I just want to mark it as mastered, so then have to go through the process of showing information, finding the sidebar, etc. before I can get it to stop showing up in reviews.
So being able to Ctrl + Shift + M instead then as a shortcut would be great too :slight_smile:


So, um, I tried Ctrl+Shift+M on a katakana vocab during reviews, and something weird happened!

I’m intrigued … :grin:

PS This is replicable …

I’m guessing it’s changing to mobile (smartphone) layout :thinking:

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Yeah that’s dumb.
I’ve fixed it, and it will be out in the next update.

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