Is there a way to remove some vocab from review and learning?

I tried to remove a vocab from review, then it reappear in the next learning batch. There are some scientific or medical word that I think will be very rare in the wild and don’t want to waste time on it.

I hope that helps, at least that’s how I do it. :cowboy_hat_face:

The only way to prevent it from coming back in your next learning batch is to mark it as mastered, afaik.

I would love an “ignore this item” button for vocab that I don’t want to learn right now, but still don’t want to mark as mastered!


I wish we could remove a whole deck from reviews. I use the import from wanikani feature, and now I have a bunch of vocabulary from non-JLPT decks. I would prefer to focus on JLPT decks and leave other decks for later.


Yea that’s also my main gripe with wanikani imports. The furigana is nice, but I usually only know the wanikani vocabulary jp → en and not vice versa, (i only really use bunpro for vocab retention), so having an option to import the furigana without the vocab, or making the vocab apper in a special learning batch (maybe “New from Wanikani”) would be nice (If that already exists I’d love to know how)


You should post this as a request in the requests thread! That’s a pretty nice idea.

My work around is to remove all decks from my learn pile, and then just go in each day and manually add the words I want to my review pile :blush: