Is there any way to see the "top 1000 words lists?"

For example, when you look at vocabulary in Bunpro is will say that the word is “anime top 1000” or “novels top 2000” or something like that. I think having a list like that which ranked words by how common they are used would be incredibly useful.

I would love to be able to pull up those lists for the 1000 or 2000 most popular words in anime (for example) and so I can then go down the list form most common to least common and check if I already know them or learn them in that order.

Learning 2000 words that are rarely used almost doesn’t help at all, but learning the 2000 most common words would give you a major boost towards understanding and speaking right away.

I think a lot of language learning systems / programs / textbooks fail because they teach a random assortment of words that includes a lot of things rarely used in daily life or in media, which makes people feel like they aren’t getting anywhere and makes it take much longer to be able to use the language.