Items marked new - are they automatically added?

As the subject asks, are the items marked new automatically added to the list of items bunpro lines up for you when you click study ?
Do they not count towards the total amount of items presented on the main page ?
I am pretty sure I had to manually go back to N5 grammar points and add each item marked ‘new’
are they automatically added if you haven’t passed their point in the level of each N level ?
Is there an option somewhere I can select to have earliest ‘new’ items be the first thing added to the study queue ?

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They are not automatically added as not everyone who is studying higher NX levels also wants to review N5 etc. If you use the Lessons page, and check which NX level and which lessons are missing the hanko, you can quickly see which lesson has had new grammar added to it and then add it to your reviews to study!

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