Japanese "play with words"

If you are a sucker for pub quizzes, here’s one for you!

The height of Tokyo Skytree was decided using a play on words. Inspired by the old name of the region in which it stands “Musashi”, the tower sits at 634metres tall.

6 - Mu 六・む
3 - Sa 三・さん
4 - Shi 四・し



武蔵宮本様「むさし、みやもと」さま is the most famous samurai warrior in history. I heard it was named for him, and that the elevator also goes from the bottom to the top in roughly 634 seconds as a “tribute” to his smooth, silent power while unsheathing his sword.

I have no idea how much of this is true, but my Japanese friend seem to believe it heartily.

As a side note, there are two outer districts of Tokyo in the たま area that use this name still: 武蔵野市「むさしのし」&武蔵村山市「むさしむらやまし」。Although it is possible his name was derived from the region and thus it becomes harder to know what they were focused on while naming these areas/things. (When a peasant became Samurai they were given a new Samurai name.)

Either way, a good name to be familiar with… the Japanese have tremendous respect for this samurai above most others.

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Theres a small knick-knack shop in kagoshima called “The thank you store” because every thing is 39 yen… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: