Japanese Study Plan for my Sister

So my little sister asked for help learning Japanese. below is a summery from Japanese The Moe Way. My additions are in italics. Granted the “on day 5 you must do xyz” will appeal to some people, I built in some ‘my own pace’ in the optional section

Task 0-100 hours Tip Link
Kana 5 Do This First https://kana-quiz.tofugu.com/ or learn kana
listening 10 Listen with 100% attention Japanese Subs, Nihongo Con Teppei, Genki audio CD
Grammar 15 Genki, CureDolly, Bunpro, Classes, Tae Kim Chapter Overview – Learn Japanese
Anki 20 Every Day. Learn 300 vocab words Releases · donkuri/Kaishi · GitHub Nihongo Lessons or https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/917377946 (Last one is android only)
kanji optional if you don’t know enough kanji to do anki Nihongo Lessons, JPDB or Kanjidamage
listening optional Japanese in the back ground to tune in and out
mining optional use subs2srs, yomitan+ankiconnect, or language reactor for bonus anki
shadowing optional read outloud along with Japanese Subs.
task 100-200 hours tip link
Anki 20 kanji or vocab
Study 15 Continue your textbook
Watch TV 10 With no subs (or Podcast, YouTube ect)
mining optional Don’t study them in anki yet Mining - Immersion-Based Japanese Learning
listening optional leave TV, streamers or anime on to tune in and out
Conversation optional conversation practice with a tutor
shadowing optional read outloud along with Japanese Subs
Watch TV 20 With no subs (or Podcast, YouTube ect)
anki 20 Keep working on vocab and kanji
Study 15 Finish the text book you started
reading 5 Read Yotsubato (my first manga was Blue Excorcist)

Optional is same

and that is supposed to be 1 month, took me 6 years myself [2 hour a week*25 weeks a year (that class met)*6 years =300 hours . I’ll cheer on my sister to get here in 1 year.

With a to do list of

Task 300-400 Tip Link
Anki 20 Finish both decks
Reading 5 Read manga
immersion 30 TV, manga, VNect
Study 15 Study N4, Genki 2, Bunpro https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1013111837
mining 20 ideally with furigana and audio

Finally, this is what I’m doing now.

Task 400-500 Tip Link
Anki 10 Start studying mining deck
Japanese definitions 20 Mine cards with Japanese definitons thesaurus.weblio.jp or Nihongo Lessons
Immersion 30 TV, Manga, VN, Movies, YouTube

I feel like this is really over structured lol. I went fast but not by following a schedule like this. Just ticking off one item at a list at my own pace (which ended up being pretty quick luckily anyways)

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your post reminds me of this meme a lot ahahah.
The method is great, it might be a bit overwhelming for someone who never touched the language even once, as long as your sister is motivated, she’ll improve a lot by following this scheme !


Thanks for sharing your plan! Is your sister someone that enjoys such structures and tasks?

Personally, I don’t vibe with the moe approach, which is weird, since my only goal is immersion.

Which pretty much sums up my opinion, for most people it’s a way too hardcore and stringent approach. But some do pretty well with it.

Hope your sister likes this plan :slight_smile: If not you can always figure out what suits her best :slight_smile:

you forgot the 200 hour period of getting mad at yourself for reading 日/生 wrong again.

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If she’ll be using Bunpro anyway, she can use GoKana for the alphabets :wink:

The amount of times I’ve confused 本日 and 日本 is honestly embarassing.


That’s why I changed it to “per 100 hours of studing” Instead of “Per month”. My Japanese class reached 100 hours in 2 school years.

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I’m in this picture!