So my little sister asked for help learning Japanese. below is a summery from Japanese The Moe Way. My additions are in italics. Granted the “on day 5 you must do xyz” will appeal to some people, I built in some ‘my own pace’ in the optional section
Task | 0-100 hours | Tip | Link |
Kana | 5 | Do This First | or learn kana |
listening | 10 | Listen with 100% attention Japanese Subs, Nihongo Con Teppei, Genki audio CD | |
Grammar | 15 | Genki, CureDolly, Bunpro, Classes, Tae Kim | Chapter Overview – Learn Japanese |
Anki | 20 | Every Day. Learn 300 vocab words | Releases · donkuri/Kaishi · GitHub Nihongo Lessons or (Last one is android only) |
Optional: | |||
kanji | optional | if you don’t know enough kanji to do anki | Nihongo Lessons, JPDB or Kanjidamage |
listening | optional | Japanese in the back ground to tune in and out | |
mining | optional | use subs2srs, yomitan+ankiconnect, or language reactor for bonus anki | |
shadowing | optional | read outloud along with Japanese Subs. |
task | 100-200 hours | tip | link |
Anki | 20 | kanji or vocab | |
Study | 15 | Continue your textbook | |
Watch TV | 10 | With no subs (or Podcast, YouTube ect) | |
Optional: | |||
mining | optional | Don’t study them in anki yet | Mining - Immersion-Based Japanese Learning |
listening | optional | leave TV, streamers or anime on to tune in and out | |
Conversation | optional | conversation practice with a tutor | |
shadowing | optional | read outloud along with Japanese Subs |
200-300 | |||
Watch TV | 20 | With no subs (or Podcast, YouTube ect) | |
anki | 20 | Keep working on vocab and kanji | |
Study | 15 | Finish the text book you started | |
reading | 5 | Read Yotsubato (my first manga was Blue Excorcist) |
Optional is same
and that is supposed to be 1 month, took me 6 years myself [2 hour a week*25 weeks a year (that class met)*6 years =300 hours . I’ll cheer on my sister to get here in 1 year.
With a to do list of
Task | 300-400 | Tip | Link |
Anki | 20 | Finish both decks | |
Reading | 5 | Read manga | |
immersion | 30 | TV, manga, VNect | |
Study | 15 | Study N4, Genki 2, Bunpro | |
mining | 20 | ideally with furigana and audio |
Finally, this is what I’m doing now.
Task | 400-500 | Tip | Link |
Anki | 10 | Start studying mining deck | |
Japanese definitions | 20 | Mine cards with Japanese definitons | or Nihongo Lessons |
Immersion | 30 | TV, Manga, VN, Movies, YouTube |