Japanese YouTube

With the JLPT around the corner I’m looking to take a break from serious study for a bit after the test and was wondering if anyone knew any interesting Japanese YouTubers? I usually like to watch YouTube when I relax but I’ve never found any Japanese channels I actually find entertaining and I just honestly don’t know where to look. I like more channels that are quite relaxed and not that over the top constant high energy that a lot of the popular Japanese channels seem to be. Lately I’ve been getting into watching video essays, usually focusing on video games or television but any topic can be made interesting the by the right person. If anyone knows any channels like that please let me know.


Its more of a podcast but I have been really enjoying YUYUの日本語Podcast
YUYUの日本語Podcast - YouTube

And はじめしゃちょー(hajime) Even though he is quite over the top most of the time lol


It has hard-coded English subtitles but コンビニコンフェッションズ is the only content in Japanese on Youtube that I love.


If you want to find Youtubers that are interesting for you, i would recommend looking up things in japanese that interest you. Because interests may differ between everyone.

Besides that, some Youtube channels I watch are:

けんさんおかえり / Japanese Conversations - YouTube → good for sentence mining, because of the non-generated subtitles for most of the videos.
Daily Japanese with Naoko - YouTube → similiar to けんさん but fewer videos
Speak Japanese Naturally - YouTube → Good for listening practice, but only auto generated japanese subtitles

Discovery Channel Japan - YouTube → Has a good amount of videos with japanese subtitles for sentence mining, especially the WildAllie videos.
新もっと知りたいワダイ - YouTube → they release a new video every day and the content is mostly horror / mystery. sadly only auto generated subtitles and a bit hard to understand for beginners :slight_smile:

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