Jessica's Study to Japan 2025

Hi everyone,

To keep myself accountable to my study goals I would like to set up a study log but I want to try something fun.

Heavily inspired by the current Amazing Race Japan thread, I have decided to do my own personal trek from my home town in England, to the places I visited in 2024, and then back home. This is approximately 20,000 km including my flights. This will be a solo trip but if you like the premise then please feel free to do one too :smiley:

Each day I will earn km points based on study tasks that I complete:

  • Conjugation City (adjectives and verbs) - 1 km each
  • Bunpro reviews - 1 km for each review
  • Bunpro new lesson - 1 km for each review
  • Wanikani reviews - 1 km for each review
  • Wanikani new lesson - 1 km for each review
  • Graded reading - 2 km for each page read
  • Listening practice - 2 km for each 10 minute of listening
  • Speaking practice - 5 km for conversation with other person, 5 km for solo dialogue (min 2 mins)
  • Genki Textbook Lessons - 1 km for each new grammar point
  • Genki exercises - 1 km for each 100% pass
  • Mock JLPT Exam - 50 km for a pass, 10 km for a fail (proud of myself for attempting)

There may be other point attributes added but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I am aiming for 80 km points a day in order to complete my virtual journey in time for my second visit to Japan.

I would love for you to follow along on the expedition and let me know if you are doing to do something similar :smiley:

Here is my tracker, which I’ll update with today’s and tomorrow’s progress later.

Thanks for reading, safe travels!!! :mountain_snow:


This is so cute!

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Thank you, I thought if it was a bit more like a travel rpg I might actually do my dailies haha

Love this!!

“Conjugation city” is hilarious too :slight_smile: Good luck!


I made my own Amazing Race Score Card on my Immersion Log

Activity points per
Study 1 question
Learn 2 new thing
Reading 5 (web) page
Reading 2 minute
Reading aloud 5 minute
Listening 4 minute
Watching 3 minute
Writing 4 sentence

This is really good! super cool tangible motivation strategy!

Out of curiosity, what are you using for graded reading? our days are really similar (except I am not using any textbooks, I have a Japanese tutor 3 times a week instead)

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Sorry for the late reply, personal life issues took over. It’s an app called Japanese Conjugations City, it’s really good, amazing for conjugation drills of verbs or adjectives. I didn’t realise until you said that there was the connection between city and travel hahah I’m a bit slow sometimes hahah

Really sorry for replying so late, I’ve had some personal stuff going on and not been able to study. I really like how your plan is laid out. I really want to try speaking out loud but I have a crippling fear of being perceived so being vocal is difficult for me, can I still get points if I whisper out loud hahaha

Sorry or the late reply, I didn’t realise it had almost been 2 weeks! I use a couple of different things, so I have physical and kindle graded readers - there are so many options so I would recommend having a look in the kindle store as you can preview them first. I also have a dedicated kindle, which I buy novels on. I get books that I have read or on in English so I can translate a paragraph and then check I have understood it correctly.
Finally I use news apps such as Todaii or NHK World. Todaii is good as you can pick beginner articles or more advanced ones, you get 3 free reads a day but can go pro too :slight_smile: hope this helps and so sorry for delay