Hi everyone,
To keep myself accountable to my study goals I would like to set up a study log but I want to try something fun.
Heavily inspired by the current Amazing Race Japan thread, I have decided to do my own personal trek from my home town in England, to the places I visited in 2024, and then back home. This is approximately 20,000 km including my flights. This will be a solo trip but if you like the premise then please feel free to do one too
Each day I will earn km points based on study tasks that I complete:
- Conjugation City (adjectives and verbs) - 1 km each
- Bunpro reviews - 1 km for each review
- Bunpro new lesson - 1 km for each review
- Wanikani reviews - 1 km for each review
- Wanikani new lesson - 1 km for each review
- Graded reading - 2 km for each page read
- Listening practice - 2 km for each 10 minute of listening
- Speaking practice - 5 km for conversation with other person, 5 km for solo dialogue (min 2 mins)
- Genki Textbook Lessons - 1 km for each new grammar point
- Genki exercises - 1 km for each 100% pass
- Mock JLPT Exam - 50 km for a pass, 10 km for a fail (proud of myself for attempting)
There may be other point attributes added but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I am aiming for 80 km points a day in order to complete my virtual journey in time for my second visit to Japan.
I would love for you to follow along on the expedition and let me know if you are doing to do something similar
Here is my tracker, which I’ll update with today’s and tomorrow’s progress later.
Thanks for reading, safe travels!!!