JLPT December 2024

I thought it was just me… That reading section was brutal, didn’t have enough time to finish, thank goodness I skipped to the last pamphlet section first to (hopefully) get the free marks. Ended up completely skipping 1 medium length read and rushed through another medium read and the last third of the long read.

Fortunately, our audio was really good and I sat almost next to the speaker. The listening section felt a bit easier than the practice tests I did (I barely passed on those practice tests), so fingers crossed.


Nope I don’t think it was just you. I hours and hours of JLPT-style reading practice and this was definitely a step up from those.

Best of luck to you!


Ironically my listening while difficult was audible. They piped it thru the classroom speakers and gave us a sample and asked if we could all hear it. U of Hawaii seemed to have done it really well

I did a post yesterday talking about my experience, but in short: I tried to go from N5 to N3 in 4 months, took the JLPT N3 yesterday and was surprised at how much I managed to understand! The test was so hard and I had to guess more questions than I wanted to, but in the end this really motivated me and proved that my method is working, I knew SO MUCH stuff I wouldn’t ever guess 4 months ago.

I’m really looking forward for the next JLPT which I’m sure I’ll definitely pass, taking N3 again.

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Maybe we’ll have a Bunpro meetup in Stuttgart next year then :laughing:


Yeah should have done that haha
I am doing my JLPT in different locations though. I live in Berlin and could have done it here but I wanted something to look forward to so i signed up in Stuttgart. The next JLPT will be in Sarajevo or Vienna. N1 will in Sapporo :slight_smile:

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I can recommend Vienna, even though I only went there out of necessity, I used the chance to turn it into a nice long weekend trip, and the test itself was well organized.

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Vocab and grammar felt much harder than past exams
Reading was quite manageable
Listening was reasonable except for the rapid response section, or perhaps I was just tired by then…

I agree with you, the N2 reading was a massacre. I had to make random guesses at the end otherwise I wouldn’t finish on time :frowning: It was tough, but I think results are normalized afterwards so the pass % should be about the same as previous instances.

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Hmm I could go to either city as I have been to both before and have family in both of them. I am still leaning more towards Sarajevo so far.

hmm, I might have to see where the registrations open first. Can’t find any data on when the registrations open in Sarajevo :confused:

Did the N2 in Leicester. A nice excuse to go back to the UK for a bit. Was quite a plesant experience, the building seems quite new and there are 2 car parks close by. I have now done the JLPT in Sapporo, London, Nagoya and Leicester haha :sweat_smile:

The N2 test was hard as always, lightly ran out of time… I should really study more haha. There were some really interesting vocabulary that I don’t think is that common. In my head I thought - I know this word due to game/s but would others know it too?

Anyway, good luck to everyone.


When did you do the japanese ones? summer/winter wise. And how were the locations ? :smiley:

Hope this information overload is usefull haha:

Always summer
Sapporo 2018 and 2019 - Both times when I took it in Sapporo it was at the same university campus / high school… The buildings were on the older side. Large rooms probably 80 people per room (maybe even more). Its was fine but on the humid side and a bit difficult when its soo hot haha

Its the last stop on the southern line of the underground and there is a dedicated bus which then takes you to the campus (2 minute ride maybe, its short). The whole trip could be 1 hour and a half from central Sapporo.

I timed it a bit too good the second time when I went there. I arrived to the station to take the last bus (me and another guy haha). The test started 30 seconds after I sat on my seat :sweat_smile: . haha

Nagoya - I am aware of two potential locations for the exam
One righ next to Nagoya JR station. This is where I went this July. Its a new-ish building, really nice inside and comfortable (as there are air cons constantly working lol). The first few floors are a shopping centre / department store which makes it a bit confusing. There are lifts to the higher floors where the exam rooms are. I think it was some kind of conference centre / business place.

The other location is maybe 1 hour from Nagoya JR station by underground. An university. People said that its fine there too, a bit on the older side. Some people who took N1 and N5 went there.


Wow, thank you for sharing your experience! Doing the JLPT in a high school would be sooo soo cool actually! I have seen so many highschools in anime, manga and movies that i always wanted to visit one! When i was in Kyoto i actually walked past one that had a school festival that day! I didn’t go inside because i didn’t know if foreigners were allowed and I wouldn’t have known who to ask anyway :confused:

Maaan since you can do the JLPT pretty much anywhere in Japan it’s hard to pick a place. I was hoping for Sapporo because of potential snow but someone who went there in winter said that at the beginning of December there isn’t much snow :frowning:

What are other nice locations to go to?

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To be honest, in Sapporo it felt more towards an University than a college (I can’t remember the actual name). There is a chance that there is snow in early December in Hokkaido. There was some this year. The JLPT is a good excuse to visit Hokkaido for a bit haha. Its a great place :smiley:

Keep in mind is that until the voucher for the JLPT arrives, the actual exam location is unknown… When applying for the JLPT in Japan one selects the area not the actual exam location… While other places (at least in Europe from what I know), normally one applies directly to the exam location.

But wouldn’t i just pick Sapporo as location? Where else would the send me? My plan was to register for the Sapporo region while not living in japan. I will use a mail forwarding service for a local address and so on.

How did you do it? I mean you don’t live there either, right?

I’ve never taken a JLPT exam (not this December either), so I was wondering, when do you guys actually get the results? Are there still a lot of nervous days ahead?

The test was on December 1, 2024. Results will be available around third week of January online (if I remember correctly). Later we will receive the results on a Phisical Copy (if I’m not mistaken)


Will people from outside Japan be able to access the online results too or do they have to wait for the results through their host organisations? I took the test in Germany.

I don’t know in germany, but in Spain, on the Matriculation process we were asked to add a password in order to check the results when they are online on the private section of jlpt.jp. But don’t know the exact section.
I see the other countries section here:
doesn’t have a link active yet. I Imagine it will be added later. But not sure if it will be added there or somewhere else.