JLPT December 2024

Too soon … ? … :thinking:

Actually, nope! :astonished:

The bunny has spoken :rabbit:

And it said, “Let’s do the JLPT in December 2024.” :bowing_man: :bowing_woman:


I’ll be signing up for the N5! Only offered once a year here so let’s goooooo


I share the same goal! I plan on taking N4 this December.


JLPT is also only offered once a year where I am from. I am planning to take the N4 this year. Lets study hard and do our best!!!


Not even 24 hours after taking the JLPT N2 I know for sure I will go back again in December :joy::joy::joy: Yesterday was a massacre!


10 years after passing jlpt n2 I plan to… Take jlpt n2 again this year :slight_smile:
I’ve managed to forget everything I knew since I stopped learning 10 years ago after having kids. I’ve started re-learning Japanese a few months ago.


it’ll all come back to you super quickly!

I started learning again this year after studying in high school (many… many years ago) and so much stuff I just needed to have my memory jogged on.


I will definitely do n4 to get a proof that I want to learn japanese if I go to language school. I do have n2 from 15 years ago but I would feel bad presenting that since it no longer corresponds with my language level lol


I passed N3 about five years ago and I think I wanna try for N2 in December. :grimacing: Very unsure about passing, but that’s what all the studying is for, right? :sweat_smile:
The testing site isn’t super close to me, though. Anyone else planning on doing a road trip to get to the JLPT in December?


Got the N5 last year, aced listening and kanji but almost failed at grammar since I only studied with media, I’m doing bunpro and wanikani from the very basics now to compensate and get to that N4 level


On the fence about N2 in December – I passed the N3 last December but by a narrower margin than I would have liked, and I’ve still got N2 kanji and grammar to study before then…not to mention the dreaded listening practice, which is probably my weakest area (I only say ‘probably’ because kanji is a thing that also exists to plague me.)

I’d like to keep up my pattern – N4 in December 22, N3 in December 23, N2 in December 24…but I’m not sure if I’d be able to pass quite yet. Thankfully there’s a bit of time yet before registration, so I can might be able to judge a bit better by the time I actually need to decide.

Either way, gonna keep studying!


I’m weighing up if I should do the N4 or N3, I’m more than halfway through N3 now so by December I wonder if I’ll be ready? (finish all the points and then spend time after drilling everything in).

My listening skill is still pretty terrible so when I’ve done practice for N4 before, I’ve scored lower than I’d like, N3 would just make it worse?


After 3 years of intensive study I’ll be taking the N2!


Sent off the signup documents today for N3. Never done a JLPT exam before


For what I’ve heard N3 is a big leap compared to N5 N4


sent off the signup documents less than an hour ago. going for n2 again since i failed last year. remember that the time between the signup procedure and the test itself flies away like nothing.


The JLPT N2 was really quite something this time… The exams are always hard… Probably will sign up for the JLPT N2 in December again. Over the last 6 months all I did was exam equestions, probably will continue to do this and try to expand my vocabulary as much as possible until December’s exam.


I will be signing up for the N5. But here the registration is not open until September.
And I will have a 5 hour trip in bus to get to Madrid to have the Test, as it’s not offered in my town.


Registration for the test in Toronto opens September 2nd. I’ve gone through the whole N3 grammar deck here, but I’m not confident I can get my reading or listening up in time for the test, and money is tight right now. I’d feel more confident about July 2025, but my closest site for that is Edmonton. I’ll just have to see how things look in 7 weeks.


That’s a long way to travel… I hope you’re staying in a hotel the night before so you’re not exhausted when you take the test

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