JLPT exam study type?

こんにちは! I’m new in Bunpro as I’m resuming my japanese studies to pass the N2 exam in a year My current level is close to N3 (but I’ve forgotten quite a few things).

I apologise if this has been asked before, but… is there any plan to include a study option that is similar to JLPT, as in, giving 4 options to answer with only one correct?

I really like that format and helps me remember lots of things.


Good idea, post it in suggested improvements thread!


I see what you’re meaning, but how would that work when it comes to grammar? I know how it works with vocab/kanji, but i don’t think it works that well with grammar if I’m envisioning it correctly.

Are you talking about the star style question with the blanks?

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Someone has asked this before.
Bunpro team said they are not going to implement multiple choice, just fill in the blank and reading

There are other resources with multiple choice like


Lots of people like the kaizen master textbooks.


I mean, you can still apply this to grammar… just adding wrong variations of it. For instance, it’s very easy to make mistakes with べきだ、によると、and a long etc… but seems like indeed this is not going to be implemented.


Aaah… bummer. I did create my own app ages ago when I was still a developer, literally copying in it the questions from exams, and I started doing them like crazy… in the end I had around 600 questions of all types, and it helped me massively to pass N4. I’m talking about 13 years ago. But thanks for this reference. Maybe I need to re-develop an app for this, and use Bunpro as an extra resource!

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I had this same thought. The JLPT style really highlights needing to know the nuance of the grammar points, where as I feel the BP style leads more to associating the English translated hint with the grammar point. As you go higher up, it gets harder as the English hints aren’t as helpful.


Discussed this internally. No promises but we will explore it.

Bunpro is in quite a different place from when it was asked in the past and we have made changes and improvements that make this a lot more feasible now.


Of course, I did not expect any promises! Thanks for considering it! I simply think that the “trial and error” approach to things such as readings, vocabulary and grammar are a a good “add up”.

I always felt like it would be cool to have a “mock test” on Bunpro to try at the end of each N level so we can gauge if we properly learned the content. In this dream of mine, maybe JLPT-type questions could be integrated?

I guess there are JLPT sample questions out there, but it would be nice if it was Bunpro-focused