Sasuga - App to Practice for the JLPT

Hi everyone!

I started developing an app to practice for the JLPT. I intend to use it myself for the N3 this year. Version 1 has 10 questions about the first section of the N4 test. The question and answer order randomize each time.

I plan to post here whenever I make a new version.

If you want to try it, there is a web version.

[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask]


Great idea :smiley:

(I started to do the same in Swift, to make my own Apple Vision Pro app, got like 25 questions that I scrapped from the Shin Kanzen Master N3 grammar book)

Last screenshot, you pressed 3, the correct answer was 2. Perhaps you should grey-out the answers 1 and 4, so that we visually see what you pressed and what was the correct answer (1 blue/green, 1 red (the one you pressed) and the other 2 in grey).

頑張って :wink:

Edit : Also a nice addition would be to add Furigana on the back of the cards, just in case someone don’t know that word.

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Nice! :+1:

Just looked at the title page and wondered if there’s a reason for “sasu” in katakana and “ga” in hiragana :thinking:

Perhaps some others might be interested in contributing some questions according to availability etc.

Cool idea!

I tried it but, at least on the iPad, the screen is off to the right. It looks like this:

Thanks for the feedbacks, everyone! I am trying to put in 15min a day to improve the app.

I updated it to v2

  • Increased font size
  • Corrected typos
  • Increased number of questions
  • Added ui transitions
  • Increased UI size


Updated to v3. This time it has the proper order of the first questions of the JLPT N4 Vocabulary section. You will get 7 kanji reading then 5 orthography exercises.

The plan is to get the N4 Vocabulary with all questions in this month and start the Grammar ones.

Link to project >>> Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask

This is great! Would love to give it another try when/if you add N3 questions.


Cool app, I too would be interested in trying the N3 questions as I intended to take that exam this year!

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Hi all! Updated to v4!

On this version

  • All N4 Vocabulary test section working
  • Time tracked while you are doing the test
  • Some UI improvements

Up next

  • Add all questions for the Grammar section

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

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There’s a typo on number 20, where you’re supposed to have 経験 (けいけん) but instead you wrote けいっけん. There are a couple of questions that don’t have all the options available (they might have 2 or 3, instead of 4 choices to pick from). Other than that, it’s looking good.

BTW, does N4 not have Kanji? It was kinda hard to read just hiragana. Once you get used to Kanji, it weird reading just hiragana, :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

Good job!


Some questions are hiragana only on N4. I found it hard to read/understand as well going back haha. I appreciate the feedback. Will fix those issues!

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That’s pretty cool! Your other creations look promising too. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the kind words. I am trying to get better.

Hi everyone! I have updated the app to version 5.

New on this version:

  • First questions for the N4 Grammar part
  • Added a transition from the Vocabulary to Grammar test sections
  • Increased size of choices and question
  • Fixed UI not showing full text sometimes

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

sasuga v5 flow


Hi all! I updated Sasuga to V6!

New on this version:

  • All questions for N4 Grammar
  • All questions for N4 Reading
  • Added a bit of color to the UI

The reading questions required a bit more work. Specially the ones that show a table with some information. I am not super happy with the final result but the plan now is to get one full N4 test working before moving on.

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

sasuga v6


Hello everyone! I updated Sasuga to v7!

New on this version:

  • First N4 Listening questions

I planned on having all N4 listening questions by today but I ended up getting sick the last few days so I couldn’t do much. Almost done with N4!

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]


Hi! Have been sick these last few weeks so did not manage to update the app much. Finally got around to it!

On Sasuga v8:

  • All N4 listening questions
  • Results screen at the end breaking down your score
  • During listening exercises a nice audio player for you to use
  • Now there is a nice screen effect when transition

I wanted to get more feedback before moving forward. If you’re interested give it a go!

[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]


This sounds like it’d be really helpful. I’ll have to try it when I get some time and compare my results now to when I wrote N4 in 2019.

I had a question, though. If I were to run through N4 on your app multiple times, would it give me the same questions each time?

Yes, right now I have only one full set of N4 questions. For vocab, grammar and reading the order should be randomized (also order of the answers). For listening it’s always the same for now.

Sneak peek on the next version. Started working on first N3 exam questions.

sasuga - exam select