JLPT July 2024

If there is a July JLPT at my location, I’ll take N4 and aim for N3 in December. But if there’s not, I might just be lazy and take N4 in December instead of N3 :sunglasses:


that’s sort of my plan as well, if i passed the N5, i’ll be aiming for the N4 in july, and if its not too ambitious maybe the N3 in december


Gotta see how yesterday’s N3 turned out – if I didn’t pass I might give it another go in July, but if I did I might shoot for N2 in December. Time will tell!


Unsure if I passed N4 or not. Felt good on the grammar, ok on listening, was surprised by how much I didn’t know for vocab/kanji :exploding_head: That was by far my worse section.
To be fair, I only studied grammar/made it to level 9 on WK. I was hoping that living in Japan magically gave me enough knowledge to fill in the rest for N4 lmao.

Signing up either way for N3 in July, and this time I’m actually studying vocab and gonna get up to a decent level in WK too??


I might take the N1 in July, or - more likely - in December of next year; my main problem is listening, for reading I’ll just have to read more to get my speed up to speed, and get some new vocab in. Kanji are smooth sailing, and grammar for the JLPT isn’t real anyway (passed N2 fairly decently last year without any real N2 or N3-level grammar study).


Not sure whether I’ll be sitting the N4 or N3, or even the N5 again.

Would love to do N3 but really don’t know, will have to see where I’m at come March for booking. Could play it safe and do N4 but I don’t know.

I might go to SOAS again though, was a good experience.


If I’ve passed N4, thinking about N3 in 2025. Not sure my listening comprehension can improve sufficiently before then. Guess I can’t absorb things as quick as some of you lot, all power to you! If I’ve failed N4, might try again in July I guess.


336 hours to prepare for a driver’s licence? That’s wicked


does seem excessive doesn’t it.


That is because 24 * 7 * 2 = 336
They have the option to do a 2 week camp to learn for the drivers license.


yes, I read that as well but it still seems a lot. I had 1 1/2 hours for maybe 7 weeks or so theoretical classes and after that 25 to 30 practice hours actually driving. Even if you make it 60 hours. That is still way less then 336 hours and the driving exam in my country is quite difficult in comparison to some other countries I’ve been to.


Since we all definitely passed the JLPT in 2023, there’s no need to worry …



Think I’ll take N2 in winter 2024. Spending $1000+ just to go to Canada to take the JLPT during summer is just not for me.


It was written with a very large dose of irony :confounded:


I know a lot of people suggest skipping the N5 test and starting with N4 but, if I have the time in July, I think I’d like to try my hand at N5 anyway even just to see where I am. I know I still have a lot of vocab to go.

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I did the N5 test many years ago and don’t regret doing the lower level. It gives you a feel for the format of the higher levels and if you’re a touch hubristic about how much you understand (not to mention how fast you can read) it’ll school you well without killing you lol.

I’m going to take N4 this July, since I finally got off my ass and started learning grammar properly. :slight_smile:


That’s good to hear. I also thought trying for N5 would make the test format less stressful overall than skipping to a higher level and not know exactly what to expect.

I wish you luck on your N4 studies for this July!

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I wanted to try out the lower levels to see what the testing format is like first hand, but personally it isn’t practical. Closest testing center is 4 hours away and only in the winter. I’d likely have to go through those mountain ranges in icy conditions :expressionless: the jlpt isn’t necessary for me rn for a job or anything, so I’m just enjoying the ride. After enjoying it through several novels/etc I’ll eventually sit the N2 for my first test and hopefully get a fancy piece of paper that tells me I haven’t been a poser this entire time. heck you imposter syndrome

But good luck to everyone taking it this summer! Remember, you’ll either pass or get told exactly what you need to focus more on. So the experience is a win-win :sparkles::sparkles:


Hi all! Happy new year!

I’m planning to take N4 in July and then N3 in December. Shaping up to be a big year!

I feel more comfortable with grammar now (thanks Bunpro!) but really need to improve my listening and vocab this year. So I’m planning to start reading some basic materials and also watch some simple tv series.

Good luck everyone!