JLTP N4 Help - 誰・誰か・誰も・誰でも

I’ve been doing some practice tests over the last few weeks and was constantly missing 誰・誰か・誰も・誰でも and the equivalents 何・どこ・いつ・

So was going through and reading and this is my conclusion.

I understand that 誰もいない means “there is no one” but I started thinking can I use だれも in a positive sentence or just in negative ones? To mean everyone?

今日誰も来ます。Everyone will come today.

It doesn’t make any sense right? It should just be

今日はみんなが来ます。Everyone will come today.

Can anyone confirm that? :innocent:


誰も doesn’t mean everyone, you could think of it like “Even one person” or maybe “The extent of one person”

So 誰も来なかった could mean something like “Even one person did not come” or more naturally “Not even one person came” or “Nobody came”