Just purchased a lifetime subscription! :)

Not a particularly interesting thread, but just wanted to share that I bought a lifetime subscription.

頑張ろう! :)


:slight_smile: :tada:


I’m doing it tomorrow! Just saw the notice at the top of the screen but it’s midnight here so I’ll do it tomorrow, haha.


Awesome!!! Don’t forgot! :slight_smile: Let us know when you do!


Awesome! Can’t wait to see your progress over the years! It’s always so much fun for us on the Bunpro team to see how people’s knowledge, opinions, and abilities change over time! :relaxed:

Welcome to the family :partying_face:


I don’t have any plans to visit Japan anytime soon, but if I did end up visiting, do you guys have an office in Japan that members can pop into to say “hello”? Just wondering if that’s a possibility or maybe you’re all working remotely.


We don’t have an office as such, but I am always down to say hi to people that come to/live in Tokyo :blush:


I’m probably going to get a lifetime sub, too. I just joined Bunpro in October and I really like it! I really wish that I had found this site sooner!

EDIT: And done!


I’m going back to Japan in a few months! I’ll have to find out how to say hi :smiley:

Since it was asked for, I have come to update that I did indeed buy the lifetime subscription just now. This has been one of a few invaluable tools in my journey and it seems like the developers are always working hard, (which I respect because I am in the field as well!)

I don’t really post much [in life in general tbh] but this community also just seems really great! I’m so glad this sort of thing exists nowadays. When I tried to learn as a kid, I didn’t really have any support or community, so I have just been shocked this past month or so seeing how many people are on a similar journey.

Haha, okay done with the gushing, I’m going to go back into hiding now!
Hope everyone is having a good day and that you guys get even more lifetime subs! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@SmolSwol Thanks for the update and nice work! :slight_smile: Glad you jumped in and made the commitment! Have fun in Japan (I’m very jealous) and it would be really interesting to hear how your trip to Japan goes from a language learning / Bunpro perspective (if you’re happy to share of course!).


@Neon_Kitsune Yeah, me too, I wish I’d found out about Bunpro sooner. But better late than never! :slight_smile:


Oh! Yeah, good idea. I could contrast it with my other two visits, especially in Tokyo vs Kyoto. I’m guessing it’ll be pretty different :thinking: especially now that I can read a few hundred kanji.
The first time, I was there for a whole month but I didn’t know many words and had a really hard time when I got lost and was looking for a specific train not even 30 minutes before they stopped running :sweat:. The second time, a friend of mine spoke enough Japanese to carry us, and even though I knew a few touristy things, I was kind of too embarrassed unless it was necessary.

This time is actually kind of weird, in that I seem to know the most overall in theory, but one of the other two people I’m going with is an extrovert ( :exclamation:) and thus has been doing a lot more speaking than me. I think he’ll probably be better at talking for that reason. I am practicing both speaking and listening with some of my Japanese friends (but most of them don’t speak English,) but probably not as often as he is with his tutor (italki).
So yeah, I could probably post some updates on how it goes, I didn’t even think of that :sweat_smile:. I’ll try to remember! That is, assuming Japan doesn’t close back down. The trip was originally planned to be during the Olympics and you can guess what happened from there. We’re hoping next year is the year! :crossed_fingers:
Since it’s in a few months, I think I will likely be just starting into N4ish at the time, so it would be from that perspective. I suspect whenever I feel fluent enough (it sounds like most people feel that way at N2???) I will probably go back, and really visit my friends and actually be able to hang out with them without using Google Translate or a friend who does know both. That would be amazing!
So yeah, I guess if all goes well then I could do provide both of those updates for anyone who might be interested!
Sorry for the wall of text!
Hope everyone’s doing well!


私も :nerd_face:


Me too :slight_smile:


I just did as well. The main tipping point for me was the transparency from Bunpro staff and the clear on-going development efforts underway to improve the product further into the future, such as creating native mobile apps (iOS in my case), and expand on additional ways to learn grammar.


@SmolSwol Yeah, I can totally relate being an introvert. My speaking is so far behind my reading and listening as I just don’t practice it! :slight_smile: hehe! Well good luck for your trip and hope you preparations go well!

Totally interested in your updates! Let us know how the trip goes :slight_smile:


@wiseachoo It’s always a risk doing a lifetime subscription because you have to rely on the company existing well into the future! Let’s hope Bunpro is around for a loooooong time! :slight_smile:


Congratulations and welcome to the cool kids club :sunglasses:


Oh, I think they will. :grin: After they’re done with the grammars, I think they have a lot of regional dialects decks to add in the future. :speak_no_evil: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you!! We will continue to work hard to provide a service that’s worth your money. Thank you for your trust.