Kansai Deck separation

Can the Kansai deck not be included in general reviews? I realize I could always go to the deck page and study it first, then do the rest of the reviews; but this is a pain. Plus it randomly showing up when I’m not expecting it usually means 0 progress on Kansai ben reviews.

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Plus it randomly showing up when I’m not expecting it usually means 0 progress on Kansai ben reviews.

^Not exactly sure what it is you’re meaning in this part of your post, but you can select 2 Decks as your Main and Secondary Decks, and the Learn button will show up like the attached screenshot on the Dashboard.

That’s “learn,” not review. In the review case they all get put into the same general pool unless you go to the deck page and select review for each deck.

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Ahh I see.
I can actually see how this would be pretty annoying…

So you want to completely a removing a specific Deck out of the default pool. This is the first time I’ve heard of this request.

For now, and I know it’s not a perfect solution, I’d bookmark the Kansai-only Reviews URL and use it before starting regular reviews.


When we eventually redo the Decks system, will add support on the Dashboard for studying individual decks directly from the Reviews dropdown


This would be a good addition. Thanks! :pray:

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I didn’t even know there was a kansai-ben deck, that’s a really useful addition!

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