Language exchange and speaking with natives

What resources do you use to practice speaking Japanese

For speaking practice, I use:

  • to speak with professional teachers (for studying grammar and things) or community tutors (just for practice)
  • HelloTalk to find people voice rooms, or chat directly with someone. The voice rooms are oftentimes above my level of comprehension, so for me personally direct chats worked better. In fact, I became friends with one person from Japan and we converse daily in a mix of English and Japanese!
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I would strongly recommend seeing if your community has some sort of Japanese conversation table that you’d be able to attend. Lots of universities will host things like these or there may be a japanese cultural center in your town that would most likely love having newcomers.

I’m a very analog person and don’t love speaking with people over the phone or computer, so I find a lot of benefit in having access to these sorts of in-person events.