Learn path for 'Japanese From Zero' or Pokémon games or Harry Potter books?

Hello everyone :wave:

I just joined Bunpro to fill the grammar and vocabulary gap in my Japanese studies. I’ve been listening to Pimsleur for 1 hour every day since a month, and been learning Kanji reading on WaniKani for 3 weeks. I’ll be traveling to Japan this April for my 5th time and staying there for 6 weeks to fully immerse myself in Japanese. Until then, I want to learn as much as possible so I can use that time effectively to engage with people.

I’ve tried different textbooks over the years (Minna no Nihongo, Genki) but I found Japanese From Zero working best for me as a self-learner (the others seem more designed for schools), which is what I’m studying 2-4h per week now. Unfortunately, when joining Bunpro it was not listed among the textbook learnings paths available. My impression was that it’s a quite popular textbook, was I wrong about that? :thinking: Is there a way to adjust Bunpro to follow its order?

I also discovered there’s a “Decks” feature which even supports some non-textbooks like Pokémon or Star Wars. I’m not really interested in any of those though (the selection is also very scarce). But I would really LOVE to learn the Japanese grammar & vocabulary needed to either read the Harry Potter books in Japanese, or play a main title Pokémon game on Switch (or emulators) in Japanese!

Those are things I love to do and been playing/reading so many times that I think I could play them even if I didn’t understand everything because I know it so well already. So I thought immersing myself in a lot of text with one of these two options would be a good way to study with motivation and fun before my trip in April.

Is it possible somehow to create your own decks? Or are there decks you can import like with Anki? Would love to learn how I can adjust the learning path more to my needs here on Bunpro!


welcome to the community! :partying_face:

I have the first chapter of HP1 out in a deck, and will continue its chapters next week. took a break for the holidays and then I got distracted by making other decks ahahaa. this decks upload will be slower than my other ones because im also reading the book at the same time to make it as accurate as possible and fix its mistakes along the way. BUT its only vocab, it does/will not have grammar points in it. basic rule of thumb is to have n5 through n2 grammar for smoother novel reading. but since you already know the books, you could start sooner and still get the gist enough to enjoy it. I recommend to at least complete n5 and n4 grammar, but if you have the motivation and a dictionary, go for it

The community decks feature has only been out for about a month, and member contributions are flowing in steadily. Be sure youre opted into beta by going into your settings to see the community decks too. I do see some japanese from zero books under textbook section of decks, but not sure if those are the specific ones youre looking for. theres a 1 and 2 for both grammar and vocab Japanese from Zero! Book 1 Grammar | Bunpro

ALSO forgot to answer this bit. yes, you can make your own decks. you can either import a list of jmdict id numbers or in csv like anki. once youve opted into beta, the decks page will show you “my decks” with the option to create a new deck and import


Oh yeah, the community decks feature is what I was looking for! The trick was to enable Beta. :+1:

Gotta explore that now… thanks!


Thanks as always for the details @IcyIceBear!

Yeah we really gotta bump the priority of publishing Decks huh…

They Community Decks need showing off!
They don’t deserve being hidden behind the Beta flag any longer.


After playing around with the deck builder, I decided to create 3 decks for my own needs:

Each deck has ~500 vocabs focusing on specialized terminology you won’t necessarily see early on in generic learn paths. I’ve submitted them for community sharing, but you can already access & clone them via the links above.

UPDATE: All 3 decks were reviewed & accepted for the Community Decks feature.

Amazing tool, Bunpro team! It was fairly quick to create thanks to auto-matching. :clap:

Bug report 🐞 The editor gets stuck when trying to save changes to existing units, requiring recreation of units to make modifications.

Great! You’re welcome as a new member, and now you’re already helping me and others learn more Japanese by submitting decks :grin: