Unit order for Custom Decks getting ignored in Lessons!

I’m still new to Bunpro, so I might be missing something. But I created 3 custom decks (which I’ve also shared with the community) where I invested a lot of time into grouping the vocabs into units for progressive learning. For example, in my Pokémon Game Terms deck I put the unit “Core System Navigation” first which contains the vocab I want to learn first, starting with ‘menu メニュー’ which is the 1st vocab in the unit.

Now, when I wanted to start learning these vocabs in the Lessons feature, I noticed that random units’ first element was appearing first. Namely I get ‘reflexes 反射神経’ at the start, the first vocab in the “Extended Game Mechanics” unit, which is the 11th unit in my deck. Next, I get ‘Poké Ball モンスターボール’ which is the first vocab in the “Basic Items” unit, which is the 7th unit in my deck. And then ‘flamethrower 火炎放射器’ which is the first in “Advanced Moves”, the 13th unit.

That’s with the Vocab Lesson Order set to “Default” where I would expect to go through my units in order, because that’s how my (and most community) decks are built. When I change it to “Alphabetical” or “By Frequency”, the order changes but not to my deliberately specified order.

So what I want are 2 changes to the default Lessons order:

  1. Go through units in the order I specified in my Deck, starting with “Core System Navigation” for my Pokémon deck.
  2. Prefer “finalizing” a unit first before moving on to the next unit, so I don’t study advanced units before I finish the basic ones.

That’s what the “natural order that builds upon itself” would be for custom decks as stated here:

Am I missing something? Is there a setting somewhere to get this working? Or is it just a bug?


Yeah I’ve been having that problem too. I’m not sure where it collects the order when you go into Learn, but it’s definitely not the next item in the deck. Its seemingly random, but keeps trying to introduce those same items next time. I’ve brought it up in bug reports before, but when we tried looking into it it was actually working like it was supposed to that day :confused: I haven’t been learning new vocab so I hadn’t noticed. Default is indeed supposed to follow deck order

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Seems like a bug. Would you mind checking and seeing if they now conform to what you expect?


It works for me now. Both web and app…

I went to go check app, and I came back to report some funky business. My 逆転裁判 deck in the app was showing entries for words I had deleted and replaced with different vocab weeks ago.

web decks would show no entry in search, but the app would for the same deck

And when I would filter the deck to show “unlearned items” it was showing the words it kept trying to introduce in learn! Not the order of unlearned items in order of the deck.

昼過ぎ should be my next unlearned item, not the 愛 list from filtered unlearned items

I found it interesting. So I went to go look for a way to sync/downloaded data for app. Couldn’t find it so I just logged out and back in to the app. It now shows my learning items in correct order, and unlearned items in filter list. So I guess for me at least it was a sync issue? But what I found the most weird if it was a problem with app sync, why was my web learn sessions also showing the wrong order to match the app 🤷


Thank you, @Jake, it seems to work now! :pray:
That was quick! :blush::ok_hand:


I will look into this and try to reproduce :thinking:

its happening again with a different deck now. the other deck is still following deck order, but now my harry potter deck is doing something similar with the filtered list not giving me the unlearned items in order. I tried resetting data and logging out/in, didnt help. I havent been learning from decks due to a heavy backlog, so not sure why its doing this or which ones are like this. so far its been 2 community decks created by me that im having the problem with not following deck order.

its not just on the app though, web also. its not respecting default deck order during learn. but the items it tries to give me in learn are the same ones the app filtered list shows for unlearned, which are not the first unlearned items in the deck

first items it should try to show me during learn/ unlearned filter list from app

Thanks for the ongoing reports. I think I found the bug that is causing this. The fix should go out with the next push soon.