Less common particles cheatsheet?

This question came up due to encountering め in


In a book where the character is annoyed at the police being useless.

But I also remember a fairly recent topic here about け as a 終助詞, and I think there’s others in N0 grammar too.

I find it quite often (in books, less so in real life), less common particles are used, especially at the end of sentences to characterise the speaker.

From a language point, it’s usually very easy to skim over, as it’s mainly for emphasis.

But I was wondering if anyone knew if there exists a good ‘cheatsheet’ for this type of thing.

Particle, Common Usage/Meaning, Is it particular to any age, region, male/female?, example

My 10ten reader browser extension shows it as
“no!’ don’t!’ tsk! (used to scold small children and pets)”

I also usually find what I’m looking for in the right-hand menu of Imabi but it takes some looking, they’re not all grouped together.

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Ah interesting, I use 10ten too, so me too! (I usually have it turned off)

I think the definition I found here fits a bit better in the context
め - ウィクショナリー日本語版 .
Something like ‘used to talk down/belittle someone’, although I think it’s sorta sharing the scolding vibe too.

But in general for these 助詞, it takes a bit of googling to get there - so often I’m lazy and skim over them :sweat_smile:

Here’s another example, from DBZ:

Also, Chichi sometimes uses べ as an ending particle. According to my friend, she speaks in a country dialect:

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Wikipedia looks like it has a fairly good list of particles. Here’s the listing for . Maybe not necessarily the exact cheatsheet you’re looking for, but it at least provides some information about a fair amount of particles.

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Thanks Josh, that wikipedia page is actually pretty good, so I’ve bookmarked that the next time I want to look up some ending particle.

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