No, I messed up.
I keep getting this game confused with the Standard one .
No, I messed up.
I keep getting this game confused with the Standard one .
Let us start again from the beginning.
自業自得 (じごうじとく) Paying for ones mistakes
得意 - one’s forte (but also, satisfaction)
意志 (いし) = Volition.
志望 しぼう wish, desire
鏡 = かがみ = mirror
鏡面 きょうめん mirror surface; lens surface
面倒 めんどう troublesome, trouble
倒産(とうさん)bankruptcy (probably troublesome?)
業務 (ぎょうむ) = Professional Duties.
務所 jail, prison
所々(ところどころ)here and there
所 place
得点 (とくてん) = Score.
点滅(てんめつ)- flashing (like an LED or something)
私鉄 private railroad