携挙 けいきょ rapture
raising one’s hands, salute
袋物 (ふくろもの) = Bags.
物質(ぶっしつ)= material, substance, matter
質問 ー Question
問題 - Problem
名所 (めいしょ) = Popular Place.
所々 - here and there
所属 (しょぞく) - to belong to a group
@NeoArcturus I happened to see the fact you’re gonna be cutting back on Japanese on the Wanikani forum. I don’t have an account there since I don’t like Wanikani so hope you don’t mind me leaving a supportive comment here instead. You did a great job at kick starting your Japanese studies and the language isn’t going to go anywhere, nor is it a race. In fact even if you had been able to continue with spending most your time focused on Japanese you’d probably still have found a massive amount of work ahead of you at the end of the year. Basically, I hope you keep Japanese up and it becomes a lifelong endeavour that you continue to enjoy rather than a grind. Knowing absolutely no context I would say your parents made the right decision and spending more time on other things is probably good for yourself and your future. Anyway, keep it up!
Wait, since 々 always comes after another kanji and never comes first, how can we keep continuing the game? Or am I missing something?
We simply use the Kanji that 々 is supposed to duplicate. It’s supposed to be in the OP rules .
EDIT: I’ve edited the OP to include this rule, which was left out for some reason. I promise this was previously discussed.
I see… makes sense, thanks~
属性(ぞくせい)= attribute, property, character class in anime
性別 せいべつ gender
別人 (べつじん) = Different Person.
Indeed it was discussed. Thank you, José.
It was a good idea to make the OP wiki, @NeoArcturus .
·人口· - population
口癖 ー Petphrase, Catchphrase
癖毛 (くせげ) = Curly Hair.