西瓜(すいか)- watermelon
係の者 (かかりのもの) = Person in Charge.
乗り場(のりば)boarding platform
ありがとうございます. I didn’t know this word (still 業 ).
合同コンパ (ごうどうコンパ) - joint party, mixer
(This is usually abbreviated to 合コン but then I would have forfeited the game. )
パチンコ = Pachinko
I was blown away by how popular this is in Japan. Seeing サラリーマン literally get off the train and go straight to a パチンコ place. I’m talking rows and rows filled with people playing them. Crazy!!
炬燵 (こたつ) - kotatsu
(Japanese version of the good ol’ Spanish brasero. Or maybe it’s the other way round. )
つんどく tsundoku
My hobby, apparently.
訓読み(くんよみ)kunyomi, Japanese reading of a kanji
水着 (みずぎ) - swimsuit
逆 (ぎゃく) = Opposite.
笑顔千両 (えがおせんりょう) - beautiful smile, really charming smile… and a 四字熟語.
ウソ(うそ)no way! / really! / unbelievable!
Apparently this is the kanji for it 嘘 ! I didn’t even know it had one
And a nice kanji it is: 口 (mouth) + 虚 (empty): such an empty mouth telling all those lies! Unbelievable!
それでは - well (then), in that case
直き (なおき) - straight, upright
着物 (きもの) =
飲み物(のみもの)a drink