仕方 しかた way、method
卵(たまご) egg
Also, does anyone know how to put the furigana on kanji? I saw someone do it but I can’t figure out how to do it
号室 (ごうしつ) room number
つもり meaning
Does つもり also mean meaning? I learned it as meaning a personal intention or belief.
利益 (りえき) profit, benefit
You mean like this?:
- kimono shop
All you have to do is write this:
By the way, the name ‘ruby’ used to designate these characters comes from here. Its use in Japanese can be seen here.
I believe he meant it more like, “I’ve been meaning to…”. As to have an intention of doing something.
次は利口 (りこう) = Clever.
孝行 - filial piety
Yeah I did(probably should have written more out haha)
Ahh thank you!
三つ角 - three corners
(not triangle, that would be 三角 or 三角形)
You’re welcome!
Oh ok, my bad!
同盟 (どうめい)alliance, union
いや- unpleasant
守宮 (やもり / ヤモリ) - gecko
Normally as ヤモリ. Again, the kanjis behind one of these words that are normally written in kana and another same-radical-in-both-kanjis 熟語.
This time the main radical is roof (宀). It kind of makes sense…
りんご - apple
ゴミゼロ the 30th of may/rubbish zero (5ご)(3み)(0ゼロ)aka a big clean up day in japan (where i am at least)
ロンドン橋 (ろんどんばし) = London Bridge.
(I know! Completely stolen from before, lol.)
I guess I can’t call you out since I spelt it wrong lmao
居酒屋 - izakaya
山口県大学 (やまぐちけんだいがく) = Yamaguchi University.