時代 (じだい) = Era.
時代 (じだい) = Era.
岩手(いわて)Iwate (Prefecture)
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!
低所得者医療扶助 (ていしょとくしゃいりょうふじょ) = support for medical treatment for those on low income
Also, I’m so confused what them notes on the bottom of everyone’s word is lol. Can someone explain it to me xD
I’m glad to hear I wasn’t the only one, lol. In my case, I’m not into Pokémon. Never found the appeal, but that’s just me. I know a lot of people who love it though.
序詞 - foreword
次第 (しだい) = Depends on/As soon as.
I believe the meaning is different based on if だ/で is used after or not.
一本気 ー One-Track Mind
I love this word, ‘the one-book spirit’.
擬態語 - mimetic word (e.g. ペラペラ, ぐっすり)
ゴール ー Goal
It’s a silly one isn’t it? Very good for しりとり games too
累囚 (るいしゅう) = prisoner
鵜呑み (うのみ) - swallowing without chewing (the kanji are funny with this one: literally - swallowing like a cormorant)
(as 鵜呑みにする: to unquestioningly believe a story/excuse/etc. someone has told/given)
緑 ー Green
李下 (りか) - under the plum tree
漢字(かんじ)The biggest barrier to anyone trying to learn how to read in Japanese
事実 - truth, that’s what it is.
継端 (つぎは) = opportunity to continue a conversation
I like this word, so simple yet so full.
I saw this proverb, 李下に冠を正さず, don’t straighten your cap under a plum tree (because when you raise your hands it might look as if you’re trying to steal the plums).
春 ー Spring
That’s the one!
坩堝 (るつぼ) - melting pot