·週刊誌· - weekly magazine
Ja (aber ich habe für eine lange Zeit Deutsche nicht gesprochen) und ja, I do love mathematics. The number ‘e’ is also called both Napier’s number and Euler’s number (I guess this is where ‘e’ comes from).
·週刊誌· - weekly magazine
Ja (aber ich habe für eine lange Zeit Deutsche nicht gesprochen) und ja, I do love mathematics. The number ‘e’ is also called both Napier’s number and Euler’s number (I guess this is where ‘e’ comes from).
心理学 (しんりがく) = psychology
Haha, that’s quite a coincidence, as German happens to be my first language!
I think one of the most interesting fact about e is that it appears in so many branches of Mathmatics, even if they don’t seem to be related at all! And then there are multiple ways to define e (e.g. with a series or a limit).
And there is a pretty interesting fact about pi, too! I’ve learned and noticed that whenever pi shows up somewhere, there is pretty much always some way to find a hidden circle where the pi comes from. I don’t know if there is an exception to that, but I haven’t found one yet
Apart from these, some other very interesting numbers that I can think of right now are phi (aka golden ratio), 42 (cuz funny lol), i (I love working with complex numbers ), and the omega constant (because it is defined via one of my favorite functions when it comes to solving equations ).
区別 - distinction
Yes, I saw it in another topic and thought it would be nice to answer you in your own language.
Indeed, those ever appearing constants are something to wonder about. I like this expression where three of them show up together in such a succinct way:
eπi +1 = 0
In fact, the next ‘some number’ I was thinking of using as reply was to be φ, which in Japanese is ‘·黄金比·’, literally ‘golden ratio’, 比 also being used for ratio.
EDIT: I was wondering why 42, now I remember: this is the answer to the Ultimate Question.
付け睫毛 ー False Eyelashes
原子力時代 (げんしりょくじだい) = Atomic Power Era.
イスタンブール - Istanbul
留守番電話 (るすばんでんわ) - answering machine
忘れ物 (わすれもの) = Forgotten Item.
You’ll hear this word used frequently when riding trains in Japan.
ノンビリ ー At leisure
·隣国· - neighbouring country
車屋 (くるまや) = Auto Shop.
休む (やすむ) = to rest
胸搦み ( むながらみ) = collar
Argh, I forgot, no verbs! Can I change to 休み?
If no one had replied, but it’s too late now. No worries, no one dies when the game resets.
尻取り (しりとり) = Take from the rear (or is it butt?)
Aight, a new round then, I guess
リンゴ (りんご) = apple
ご苦労様 (ごくろうさま) = Thanks for your efforts!
万有引力 (ばんゆういんりょく) = Newton’s Law of Gravity.