I love that you’re taking us across Japan with all your words! Very interesting use of Proper Nouns!
毛糸 ー Woollen Yarn
I love that you’re taking us across Japan with all your words! Very interesting use of Proper Nouns!
毛糸 ー Woollen Yarn
到頭 (とうとう) = finally
宇宙旅行 (うちゅうりょこう) = Space Travel.
浦安(うらやす)Urayasu, a city in Chiba Prefecture
東京ディズニーリゾート is located here!
硯洗い (すずりあらい) = event where schoolchildren wash their inkstones, brushes and desks the night before Tanabata to pray for success in their studies
色仕掛け (いろじかけ) - Use of seduction by a woman to attain what they want
血圧 - blood pressure
土浦(つちうら)Tsuchiura, a city in Ibaraki Prefecture
乱暴 (らんぼう) = Violence.
I remember learning this word through Wanikani and going, “Yeap! That pronunciation makes sense.”
裏切り者 ー Betrayer, Traitor
のんびり屋 - easygoing person
I initially thought that David Morrell got the name of the character directly from this word. Alas, that seems not to be the case, as can be seen here: he took the name from a fruit, the Rambo apple, apparently named after a 17th century Swedish inmigrant to the US, Peter Gunnarsson Rambo. そんな偶然よね!
夜開草 ( やかいそう) = moonflower
じゃあ、次のは売り上げ (うりあげ) = Sales.
下痢症 - diarrhea
うんこ - poop
鉱物 (こうぶつ) = Mineral.
作ります つくります = to make
吹田(すいた)Suita, a city in Osaka Prefecture
I’m afraid that’s a verb, which resets the game. Make sure to follow the rules as stated in the OP.
And with that: