Let's play Standard Shiritori! しりとりをしましょう!

期 (き)period, time
How many one-mora き word are there?

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気持ち (きもち) - feeling/sensation/mood


@EdBunpro That is a lot of 空 words :rofl:

ずんぐりむっくり something/someone short and fat

利息 (りそく) - interest (from a bank)

right as I complain about all the く words I to back to it, woops!! Have fun

駆逐(くちく) extermination. Keeping the く going

靴 (くつ) - shoe

i’m starting to remember all the N5 く words now, hell yeah

痛覚(つうかく) sense of pain

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雲 (くも) - cloud. i’ve got like 3 more く words left in me before someone needs to take over this struggle and pain i’m enduring

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物 (もの)Thing
Am I doing this right?


能力 (のうりょく) - ability

For example, “that one guy has the ability to name words that start with く”.


Question: under usual Shiritori rules, can I continue with 蜘蛛(くも)“spider,” which uses different kanji but is the same pronunciation as 雲(くも)“cloud,” said previously? If not there are other く words I can use, but I thought it would be worth asking.

文字通り (もじどおり) - literally

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理科 (りか) - science

微か(かすか) delicate

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Looks like it’s an “optional rule” on Wikipedia:

  • Two words spelled with the same kana but different kanji may be permitted. For example, Su (す) can either be spelled as “巣” (lit. a birdnest) or “酢” (lit. vinegar).

I think in the interest of keeping the game going and not bogging the game down with too many rules, it’s fine to do that!

仮名 (かな) Kana
Almost forgot to add to the grind

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涙 (なみだ) - tears

誰(だれ) who

A simple one, but I don’t think we’ve had a word start with れ yet!

冷凍庫 (れいとうこ) freezer
I deleted my old post since we answered at the same time lol

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