Lifetime Sale, A Year in Review and 2024

It’s my first time making a post in the community, over the past few months I went from free trial, to the monthly, and now with this sale I finally pulled the trigger on lifetime. What really sold me was not just the actual platform that every other competitor can program, but the developer and community interaction. These are the “intangibles” that are truly invaluable.


Posting primarily just to say, I’ve found the site so helpful that I signed up for lifetime membership, so thank you for all your hard work on this.

The most helpful thing I’ve found is when i get it nearly right but get an amber message prompting me to be more/less casual or to think about particles I need to use. This forces me to rethink my answer and I love it.
Least helpful thing is when I get very close but it automatically gives me the answer showing what I missed, i.e a de at the end of the sentence.

Looking through your post, i would love to see this:

“Conjugation practice tool
Hopefully in 2024”

Conjugation is proving the biggest obstacle to me, most of the misses i get are because even though i recognise which grammar point i should use, implementing it correctly is something i mess up a lot (looking at you small tsu).


If kanji is indeed added, I’d like to request the ability to add to reviews from the highlight window.
It is a small detail but could save a ton of headache if you have one specific kanji that you cannot remember. Looking at you, 越.


Oooh, now that’s interesting!

My two cents: as far as I’m concerned if you release just a bunch of kanji decks (maybe following the usual N5->N1 structure) containing some vocab for additional practice and focusing on pointing out phono-semantic and ideographic compositions, you would have a strong base. My #1 frustration with Wanikani is that they insist on these inane English-based mnemonics while completely ignoring phonetic components that become so incredibly useful once you have a couple kanji under your belt.

That being said personally I’d be absolutely fine with bunpro just focusing on the grammar and vocab aspects. I worry about feature bloat.



After seeing many faults with and massive diminishing returns in terms of usefulness for WaniKani after level 20, I needed something else to go with my daily KameSame production and J-Drama listening practice. Bunpro is perfect!

My speaking, listening, and grammar bases are all covered.

Just from the 30 day free trial, my listening, speaking and reading has improved so much.


I got lifetime last year, but I just wanted to say, that as someone who likes the Anki system, three new features (one of them very recent) has added a lot of value for me:

– having the reading review type (the full sentence displays, grammar point highlighted, then I can reveal the English translation and grade myself)

– limiting the review sessions to user-determined batches

– and most recently, the ability to have new reviews scheduled for the start of the next day, rather than having them trickle out little by little throughout the day

All that to underscore Bunpro’s greatest strength: attentive developers who listen to their users and actually ship features that cater to their study styles.



Congrats on the wonderful year, Bunpro team! Thanks for continuing to add value to an already fantastic product.


The website supports Stripe and PayPal.
I thiiiink when the mobile app gets released out of Beta, there will be options on the respective stores for buying subscriptions. Not 100% sure though!


Thanks for all the positive feedback!

Not sure if you’re aware of this (it’s kinda hidden away), but at the bottom of Review Settings there is an option to turn this off. It’s called ‘Auto Highlight Errors’. Hope that helps :sunglasses:


Thank you for all that you do, BunPro team.

Wishing you guys a wonderful holiday and a spectacular 2024.


I finally got a lifetime membership!
The trial version helped me immensely last year to study for the N5 (I passed :smiley:) but I couldn’t afford lifetime back then. Subscriptions aren’t my thing, so I took a break to save up and now I’m back. It’s great to see Bunpro has improved so much lately, here’s to many more great years!