All Reviews At X Time Per Day

honestly yeah, i would love if there was an option to have all my reviews at once for a day because why is it telling me i have 30 reviews for a day and then in the evening theres 30 more when the srs didnt even mention that.

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While not untrue, this can occasionally result in situations like “oops, I didn’t have a chance to do my reviews until an hour or two or three later and now the rhythm is out of wack” and, while this isn’t that important, I do occasionally feel a pressure to get the reviews done asap and end up making more mistakes if the next hour is about to roll over because of it.


I would love to have this as a feature too. It just feels good to know you have your reviews done for the day.

So far I still only do it once per day in the morning for the most part, but it does throw things off when I do it later in the day. Another reason to request the all-at-once feature.

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For now, I’m going to try to set up my new grammar points to beginner 4. Which means having the next review in 24 hours, and the following one in 48h. It means I need to add new grammar points a day in advance, but that way, the minimum interval is 24 hours.
I guess it will do the trick (unless I fail them of course). I guess it’s a good motivation to study them better.

In the meanwhile, is there a way to tag the Bunpro team in order to have a response from them on that matter?

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@rustx @Sidgr @JonerPotet

This feature is now available in the Reviews Settings page, under General > Review Queueing Timing.


Wow thank you so much! This is going to be a huge help for my studies as I no longer will be missing / unintentionally stacking portions of my reviews.


I’m assuming it doesn’t affect the 4 and 8 hour intervals?


Thread revealing a problem I didn’t even realize I had haha, I’m grateful this feature suggestion was made and implemented - I’m gonna try the new way out and see how it feels :muscle:


just out of curiosity, how does this affect ghost/beginner intervals? im still probably gonna use the daily review thing anyways, but are they unaffected or do they always start on a new day?

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One of our devs described it as so:

Any review for the next day, after 3am, will have the due time changed to 3am.
If the next review is for the same day, or before 3 am the next day the review time won’t change

So basically, any review that will become available before 3am the next day (Beginner/Ghost intervals) won’t be affected.

This affects Ghost and Self-Study reviews too.




I am so so thankful for this feature!

Will there be a way to reschedule all currently scheduled reviews to the start of the day too?


Hi again!
Do you mean, get all scheduled Reviews that are due before the next 3am now?
If so, not too sure. I think this setting is meant to be a kind of set-and-forget one.
Are you wanting to switch the setting quite often?


Thanks for the reply.

What I mean is that I’d like to have all reviews for a given day be available at 3am each day. This would make it so that the forecast for the day’s upcoming reviews would be at 0 at all times :+1:

This would also mean making the first interval for reviews be set to the next day at 3am, which I’d like.

And, to clarify my last post, this would mean changing the times of all currently scheduled reviews to 3am. This would be a one-time operation.

Let me know if I’m making sense.


I second the request: I’ve activated this setting since day 1 of its availability and today for example, I have 5 reviews available but 8 more coming during the day. Not fresh ones with < 1 day duration, just old reviews that were never scheduled to 3 am.


Hi Bunpro team,

Noticed same thing today. Same thing as the previous posters, not all of my reviews are coming in at 3am, logging into the site today there was some reviews scheduled to come at 4PM even though I had not performed any reviews for the day so far.


I’d also like to see ALL my reviews set to 3 AM, rather than just new ones. As @JandroSantiago said, I would guess that this would be a one-way transfer that we only have to do one time. Once you set them all to 3 AM, you can not return to “throughout the day” scheduling, except for any new ones that you add from the “learn” pile.


Just like to say I’d be happy with this too, after I do my reviews for the day I don’t then proceed to do the small chunks that come after, I understand this is useful for someone cramming or otherwise, but I’d be completely fine with my reviews only rolling around at 3AM and no other time.


Just as an update on this, we are looking at the best way to change all existing reviews to 3am. We may just add a button that users can click if they want to change all, but when we decide I’ll put an update on here