I wanted to add my perspective. I’ve been learning Japanese for over 10 years now, including getting a minor degree in the language in university, and I’d still say I’m at ~N4. The reason? I never actually applied it to anything. I kept saying “I will read that novel or watch that show, etc. when I’m a higher level on WaniKani.” The result? I got to high 20s as fast as I could in WK before burning out and stepping away. This cycle continued for a few years as life went on and I entered the industry for my profession, I’d hop on WK and see 2000 reviews and words and kanji I couldn’t even recognize despite passing them earlier. I nuked myself to level 10, tried again, and ended up going ALL of the way back to level 2. Now I’m level 18 again.
Now I want to share another part of why I think I failed. I’d keep buying games and say "someday I’ll play this in Japanese. A few times long ago I actually did, I bought Persona 5 and NieR Automata on the JP eshops when they weren’t released in the West yet and I made halfhearted attempts to play them and understand. Of course, it was extremely daunting. They got NA releases and I just played them in English after the fact, not making it very far in JP. I’d end up looking at my Steam library or my Switch library and say “someday,” but I never felt ready.
So what am I doing differently this time? Firstly I’m making sure I’m holding myself accountable. I do my reviews every day, even if it’s a slog. Right now I’m typing this from my in-laws’ house. Secondly, I forced myself to actually start applying myself. I picked up one of my favorite game series, Ace Attorney, and went through the struggle. So much vocab I didn’t know, and I forced myself to look up basically every word. I’ll admit, I don’t use Anki, so many times I’d have to learn the vocab by simply looking it up, knowing it, forgetting it, seeing it again, looking it up, etc. until it started to stick. I started that ~Sep-Oct, and three days ago I finished the third game in the series.
I can honestly say that it was an incredible “level up” mentally for me. For instance, I’d see grammar in the game daily that I had just learned on bunpro and it would really help it stick and give me additional nuance to understand the meaning. It also helped with Kanji recall, especially for compound words I didn’t understand. If I knew at least one Kanji, I could recall the onyomi for that character and use it to look up the entire word. Also knowing the character’s meaning, I could try to figure out the word through context of the sentence and look up what I thought the word was in English first, as well.
For my journey, despite my EXTREMELY slow pace, I will admit I at least have a decent foundation simply having cemented some Japanese knowledge over a decade. Even though I forgot 85% of it, the 15% that stuck was always a solid starting point to pick it back up. Ace Attorney may have been my catalyst for applying myself, but there are so many other easy forms of media to help you. I also used the NHK Easy site (however I found this a bit boring since I find it hard to apply myself to topics I don’t care about, and it’s not guaranteed the daily news will be interesting to me on a consistent basis).
In summary, find a piece of media that is basic enough but that will challenge you. You will likely need to look up things for every single sentence at first, it will take hours to get your grip, but once you find it you will rapidly accelerate. Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait until you’re “ready” before you start applying your Japanese. You will get nowhere, and you may be looking back 10 years later wondering why you let it go to waste.