Losing my mind, is this a bug?

No matter what I do, I get trapped by this and can’t move out of the ‘review’ section because if I put ひま, I’m told to “add something” but every answer is wrong!

Please someone give me the secret! I’d love to use Bunpro but honestly, I stopped using it for weeks because I couldn’t figure it out!

I think you are missing a だ at the end. Nouns need help ending a sentence, usually in the form of a だ or です, which state that something (the subject) is the noun; subject (I/me) is free. Or a じぁない or ではない to express ‘is not’.


I think it may be looking for がある、 but I would have just looked at the info by now.

暇 Is a な adjective, and as such requires だ/です at the end for this grammar point(you can figure out the exact forms bunpro wants by checking the structure notes on the grammar point)



It’s written right in the grammar point you’re working on that だ or です are required at the end of a sentence with a な adjective. You just need to do some reading on your own if something isn’t making sense. The answers are usually found pretty readily online.

Others already discussed the grammar at hand, but I’d like to talk about how to get out of this situation. If you delete the prompt completely, and press send twice, it will give you the correct answer (and will fail the review of course). From there you can go back to the grammar point’s info page again if you want.