Lost streak

I was about to say that you need beta ahahah. Happy you found it!

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Hey! Do you have a rough idea of what it was?

If I recall correctly, it was about 560, but I feel bad enough as is asking for it to be restored that I may as well take the tax and keep it at a conservative number.

I appreciate you taking the time to help out with a silly little internet number, though!

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Hi, I know it happens, but I’ve been reset again even though I make a point of joining every day. I know that my days joined is 30 days different from my streak, so I should be on 1403. I have no idea how this could have happened since I’m still in the Japan time zone and I make a point of coming on every single day. Is there a rule that it doesn’t update if you get the answer wrong? Anyway, I’ve spent half a decade trying to keep up this streak, so please reinstate :laughing:


Just lost my streak :frowning: really gutted, I was at about 290 days. To be honest I am feeling like at this point I am never going to get to the top streak badges…

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I also just lost my streak despite being on vacation mode lol. Wanted to take a quick break after the JLPT, but when I came back it reset to 1 :frowning:

I think it had to do with the fact that I tried out the native review feature on the app before turning off vacation mode but eh I can always build up another streak.

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@Delta386 I can restore it if you would like :+1:


Wait that’s doable?? If so that would be awesome, I just don’t remember the exact days if that’s needed. Definitely over 100 though and thanks for the help!

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My Streak has been reset, even though I did at least 1 review every single day (As can be seen in my Review activity). Does someone know why that happened?

Review activity


To be honest i hate “study streak” mechanism. It’s demanding and it takes out all fun out of learning language. Good thing is BUNPRO is not nagging and pushing you into those streaks as some green owl does (streaks and “point league” was reason i left it to hoot at someone else).
Consistency is good, don’t get me wrong … but forced consistency leads to anger/sadness and loss of interest (and yes, trading daily attendance with badges IS forced)

When I started WaniKani, I read all the things where they stressed to do it every single day no matter what, and I was determined to do that. With a popular userscript installed on there, I could also track my study streak like you can in Bunpro. I became attached to that number so much, making sure to log on every single day to complete my reviews. Whenever I would check back on my streak number, I would feel good about myself that I had studied every day for so many days.

I kept this up for months, going on to do all my reviews multiple times in a day. But soon enough, the rest of life took over. Other things I had to attend to. Schoolwork. Exams. Studying for other subjects. Everything else that makes life busy. And all the while, I was reaching the point in WK where the pace started to ramp up. Fast.

Soon enough, on most days I was doing 100, 200+ reviews, and even 300+ on some days. I was a completionist, someone who would finish every review they had in queue. I tried to keep the mindset alive, but the most important thing for me was keeping that streak. Almost 200 days.

But as I said before, life happens. There were days where I had no time, or days where my brain literally pushed WK reviews out of my head because they became something I didn’t look forward to anymore. And it happened on one of those days. It was one day where I had a big stressful event, and I finally finished all my work and could relax for the first time in a while. I made sure I had nothing left to do, then spent the rest of the night in leisure. It was an hour past midnight when I finally realized -

I hadn’t done my reviews yet.

I frantically opened my browser, logged into WK, and there it was: a gray gap between the new day and 2 days ago when I last studied. My streak: 0/197. I sat there in silence, a lot of things going through my head, the most damning one being, “If I’ve lost my streak that I’ve worked so many days to keep, will I even have the motivation to restart and keep doing this?”

It took me some time to think, but I eventually asked myself, “Is losing one number really that important?”

When I looked back, I saw that recently there were quite a few days that I literally did 1 or 2 reviews, just to keep my streak. Whether I was genuinely too busy or just lost the motivation for that day, it didn’t matter. It made me realize that even though a number on my monitor showed that I had been “dedicated” and “studied every day,” it was actually a number that made me lie to myself.

After that day, I decided that one number wasn’t going to stay in my head and make me sad. I never could have thought it would happen, but I kind of… stopped caring about my lost streak shortly after. I even lost it for a day again a while later. But the most important part is that I kept my consistency. Soon, the SRS system let go a bit and I regained my determination to learn and review new Kanji and vocab.

You’re on platforms like Bunpro or WaniKani to follow their method, and most of all become better at Japanese. Don’t beat yourself up just because you missed one day of studying. Remember that you’re working for the SRS system, not the daily streak system. As long as you’re mostly consistent, there will be virtually no difference between someone who studied every. single. day. versus someone who tried to do the same but missed a couple of days by mistake or by circumstances outside their control, but got right back up after that and still kept the same attitude about studying and consistency as they had before they lost it the first time.

I know there are many people who would argue that streaks is a great motivator for them and others, and that they wouldn’t have gotten the encouragement for consistency otherwise. And I agree that that’s the case when you’re first starting out and you need that little extra dopamine push seeing that number rise. However, when that consistency develops and the daily studying becomes an engrained habit, that number might not be as important as you think it may be.

So, if on any day, god forbid, you lose your streak, or if you just want to do some introspection, I hope you’ll think back to this random user’s experience and hopefully not take it as hard as you would have.


The same thing happened to me today. I wrote to the support team. Hopefully, they can restore it and figure out what happened. My guess is that it has something to do with me activating the Beta Reviews 2.0 or using the Android app since those are the only recent changes for me.

Same here. Seems like the reviews 2.0 feature is not counting properly for the streak? My review activity has entries every day but the streak was apparently broken. :woman_shrugging:

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@daleksbride Sorry for the trouble there. The issue that was causing this should be resolved now I can adjust your streaks back as well. Out of curiosity, what does the Recalculate Streak here show ?

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Hi @Jake, here’s a screenshot. No problem, it’s no big deal for me, the intention was more to raise awareness to the issue. Should I recalculate? Thanks!


You can use that to recalculate your streak. With the new Reviews beta, it looks like we were still tracking the proper data just not saving the streak properly.


done. seems to have worked. thanks! :ok_hand:

goodbye one day streak, see you soon :sweat_smile:


Awesome! That worked for me too! Imagine losing that streak :rofl:


@Jake I recently reset my timezone and the review streak went back from (about)150 to 90. I think this is because I had vacation mode on(at least date and review streak of 90 fit) and now it doesn’t recognize this anymore, but thinks i didn’t do any reviews so my streak must be stopped. Can I get help?

Hey! I have updated your streak :+1:

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