Thanks for the detailed reply!
As @Rukishou also mentions - I think this would be super useful for words which I’m fairly sure I know but want to make sure I do. In my original post I said I wanted to have just one review - but two would also be fine. It’s just about not having to do all the SRS levels for words which I know fairly well, but still doing 1-2 reviews to make sure.
Your idea of setting the SRS to 10, doing a review right away, then one more in aprox 5 months sounds great, however doing all of those manual steps is just incredibly impractical. So far on N5 I’ve already marked almost 50 as mastered - it would have taken quite a while to go to the pages and manually change the SRS level for all of those, and I already have very little time in my day!
It would be amazing to have a way to do this easily and quickly from the lessons page - maybe a Mark as Expert button which sets it to expert 1 and then has it in the end-of-lessons quiz, taking it up to expert 2 (scheduling it for 5 months away).
Alternatively, probably more easily, just having the option to change the level the current “Mark as…” button sets it to would be almost as good - as you say marking an item as SRS 11 will push the review 5 months away, but that’s not too bad. It would just have been “reviewed” as a lesson, and then 5 months down the line it would be double-checked. Better than nothing!