Media titles ending in 件

A quick question for my 先輩達, I saw some anime/manga titles that ends with the 件 noun, and I wanted to know what would be the best way to read it.


  • 転生したらスライムだった件
  • 俺だけレベルアップな件
  • お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件
  • 僕の彼女がマジメ過ぎるしょびっちな件
  • 僕の部屋がダンジョンの休憩所になってしまった件
  • 最強の種族が人間だった件
  • 旦那が何を言っているかわからない件

My gut feeling is that it’s similar to the 記 suffix, (examples: 精霊幻想記, 現実主義勇者の王国再建記, 最強陰陽師の異世界転生記) that means record, chronicle, account.

The english meanings for 件 are “matter; affair; case; item; subject”, which is kind of similar to the meaning of 事, but in a way a bit more concrete. So I would translate “俺だけレベルアップな件” as something along “The case of only me leveling up” (or instead, event, circumstance, incident, occurrence, episode). It’s not that bad, but it feels a little bit off, I don’t know.

I think the term incident would help, too. Things like the watergate scandal seem to also use 件 at the end. but yeah your usage seems right.

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Hey @imsamuka !

When 件 is used like this, it has the nuance of ‘In regards to…/regarding…’, and is very similar to how 事 is used!