Mobile Dropped my Study Streak

Hey team, for some reason my mobile study session did not synchronize last night and I lost my streak.

Would appreciate a fix, but if not I will start my grind towards a full year again haha.


Ohhh, I wonder if this happened to me? I had a surprise miss a few days ago, even though I’m usually very consistent… Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part :slight_smile: Good luck to you!

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This happened to me too. My current streak is 5, but it should be 9,001. If any dev could help, I’d gladly appreciate it.


@quadban Does the Recalculate Streak here work and show the right number?

@kelth With that 24 year and 240 day streak, you must be one of our users from the future who periodically time travel to our current era to immerse in archaic Japanese… :joy:


It shows that it should work, but for some reason it does not want to actually save the streak. Not sure what the deal is I’m on the 地下鉄 so I will wait till I have better reception.


For me, the new streak would be unchanged, which I assume means I just straight up missed a day like a normal person. Ignore me. Thanks though!

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This is what it looks like, but the button is non interactive. I am not sure why I cannot actually activate the reset :man_shrugging:

Finally went through, you can lock this three if you want :joy: