Monte Carlo Simulation: Reviews to get everything to last SRS level

I did this for WK, but since I already have the code I figure I could run it against Bunpro’s item count too.


The accuracy interval 100-51% is evenly sampled at 50 points. For each of these 50 different accuracies 100 simulations are run where all items are reviewed, with a probability of success equivalent to the point’s respective accuracy level, until they all reach SRS level 12. In each simulation the total number of reviews to burn all items is tracked, and the average over the 100 simulations is recorded.

Source Code
import random
import time

class Item:
    """Class for kanji and vocab items to be reviewed. Only attribute is SRS level."""
    def __init__(self, multiplicity, true_accuracy):
        """Create a new item."""
        self._SRS_level = 0                     # Don't count lessons
        self._multiplicity = multiplicity       # Indicates how many "cards" you have per "note", to use Anki terminology
        self._true_accuracy = true_accuracy     # If we're using the per-item accuracy instead of per-review

    def review_item(self, p):
        """Evaluates based on probability whether the item passes or fails a review."""
        # p**self._multiplicity is used here becuase a user has to pass both the meaning and reading review when multiplicity is 2.
        p_observed = random.random()
        p_pass = p**self._multiplicity
        if self._true_accuracy:
            p_pass = p
        if p_observed < p_pass:
            self._SRS_level += 1                # If review is successful item goes up one SRS level
            review_count = self._multiplicity   # if it's a radical we did one review, else 2
            if p_observed < p:                  # If this is true then we failed one review and passed one
                review_count = 3
                review_count = 2*self._multiplicity
            if self._SRS_level != 0:            # Don't change SRS level is item is already at the lowest
                #if self._SRS_level <= 4:        # If item is an apprentice then reduce SRS by 1 level
                #    self._SRS_level -= 1
                #else:                           # Else 2 levels
                #    self._SRS_level -= 2
                self._SRS_level -= 1
        review_count = 1
        return self._SRS_level, review_count

def create_items(count, double, true_accuracy):
    """Creates a hash of items to review."""
    items = {}
    for i in range(1, double + 1):
        items[i] = Item(2, true_accuracy)
    for i in range(double + 1, count + 1):
        items[i] = Item(1, true_accuracy)
    return items

def review_items(count, items, max_srs, p):
    """Reviews all items until they reach the final SRS level."""
    reviews = 0
    while count > 0:
        keys = [key for key in items]
        # Review all items once
        for i in keys:
            srs_level, review = items[i].review_item(p)
            # If item reaches last SRS level remove it from the queue
            if srs_level == max_srs:
                del items[i]
                count -= 1
            reviews += review
    return reviews

def repeat_run(runs, single, double, max_srs, p, true_accuracy):
    """Repeats the same simulation a number of times and returns the average."""
    total_reviews = 0
    for i in range(1, runs+1):
        count = single + double
        # Create new items
        items = create_items(count, double, true_accuracy)
        # Review items until all reach the last SRS level
        reviews = review_items(count, items, max_srs, p)
        total_reviews += reviews
    return total_reviews

def add_to_table(accuracy, total_reviews, runs):
    """Adds data to the discourse table we're making."""
    data = "| " + str(accuracy) + " | " + str("{:,}".format(round(total_reviews / runs))) + " "
    if (accuracy-1) % 5 == 0 and accuracy:
        data += "\n"
        data += "| \| "
    return data

def parse_time(seconds):
    """Makes sense of seconds."""
    minutes = 0
    hours = 0
    if seconds > 60:
        minutes = seconds//60
        seconds %= 60
        if minutes > 60:
            hours = minutes//60
            minutes %= 60
    return hours, minutes, seconds

def simulate(highest_accuracy, interval_length, lowest_accuracy, runs, number_of_single_items, number_of_double_items, total_estimate, max_srs, true_accuracy, estimate=False):
    """Starts the whole simulation."""
    # do stuff
    table_data = "| %    | Reviews | \| | %    | Reviews | \| | %    | Reviews | \| | %    | Reviews | \| | %    | Reviews |\n|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-\n"
    reviews_done = 0                                       # Will contain number of reviews done
    accuracy = highest_accuracy                     # Rename variable
    t0 = time.time()                                # Start time
    while accuracy >= lowest_accuracy:
        p = accuracy / 100                          # Accuracy as a probability
        # Redo the simulation a number of times for the current accuracy level
        total_reviews = repeat_run(runs, number_of_single_items, number_of_double_items, max_srs, p, true_accuracy)
        reviews_done += total_reviews
        # Add to the table
        table_data += add_to_table(accuracy, total_reviews, runs)
        # Print stuff
        if not estimate:
            time_elapsed = time.time()-t0
            seconds = round(total_estimate / reviews_done * time_elapsed - time_elapsed)
            hours, minutes, seconds = parse_time(seconds)
            if total_estimate is False:
                progress = ""
                time_left = ""
                progress = str(round(reviews_done / total_estimate * 100)) + '%'
                time_left = str(hours) + "h " + str(minutes) + "m and " + str(seconds) + "s remaining."
            print(accuracy, '-', 'Average Reviews:', "{:,}".format(total_reviews//runs), '-', progress, '-', time_left)
        # Go to new accuracy level
        accuracy -= interval_length
    return table_data, reviews_done

def main():
    # Settings
    highest_accuracy = 100                          # Percent
    interval_length = 1                             # Percent
    lowest_accuracy = 41                            # Percent
    #runs = 1                                        # Per level of accuracy
    runs = 100                                      # Per level of accuracy
    max_srs = 12                                    # This is for Bunpro
    number_of_double_items = 0                      # This is for Bunpro
    number_of_single_items = 514                    # This is for Bunpro
    true_accuracy = True                            # Use per-item accuracy rather than per-review

    # Estimate how many total reviews we can expect by doing one run
    # The estimate is used to calculate time left
    if runs >= 4:
        table_data, reviews_done = simulate(highest_accuracy, interval_length, lowest_accuracy, 1, number_of_single_items, number_of_double_items, 0, max_srs, true_accuracy, estimate=True)
        total_estimate = reviews_done*runs
        total_estimate = False

    # Simulate
    table_data, reviews_done = simulate(highest_accuracy, interval_length, lowest_accuracy, runs, number_of_single_items, number_of_double_items, total_estimate, max_srs, true_accuracy)
    print('Total reviews:', "{:,}".format(reviews_done))



  • There are 514 items in total.
  • There are 12 SRS levels.
  • An item either goes up one SRS level, or down one SRS level (unless it’s at SRS 0), upon review.
  • After an item reaches SRS level 12 it will no longer be reviewed.


These are the results after a total of 324,640,297 simulated reviews.

The percentage columns indicate the accuracy level. The review columns indicate the average number of reviews needed to burn everything, given the adjacent average accuracy.

% Reviews | % Reviews | % Reviews | % Reviews | % Reviews
100 5,654 | 99 5,858 | 98 6,078 | 97 6,306 | 96 6,550
95 6,798 | 94 7,065 | 93 7,357 | 92 7,677 | 91 7,998
90 8,341 | 89 8,698 | 88 9,116 | 87 9,575 | 86 10,016
85 10,536 | 84 11,063 | 83 11,666 | 82 12,305 | 81 13,065
80 13,840 | 79 14,676 | 78 15,601 | 77 16,724 | 76 17,933
75 19,126 | 74 20,646 | 73 22,310 | 72 24,105 | 71 26,348
70 29,088 | 69 31,885 | 68 34,983 | 67 39,007 | 66 43,493
65 48,969 | 64 55,122 | 63 62,609 | 62 71,362 | 61 81,905
60 95,924 | 59 110,817 | 58 131,157 | 57 155,629 | 56 183,226
55 222,752 | 54 268,194 | 53 323,623 | 52 398,613 | 51 495,017


I calculated that I have done 1,975 reviews so far, at an average of 91%. If I keep the same average I can read from the table that I will need to do approximately 7,998 reviews, which means I’m about 25% the way to get all the items to the final SRS level.