More sentences during review


I am 2 days old bunpro user, so there is probably an easy solution to my problem.

I would like to increase number of sentence I have to practice with during reviews. One sentence to review grammar point is not enough for me. It is possible to increase it to let say 5 or 10? So when i have like 10 grammar point to review I would be tested against 25 or 50 sentences not just 10.

I don’t know if there is such a feature already, but if it is not it seems like something reasonably easy to add. Just one more setting option plus little change in evaluation when should be next review of a given grammar point (average or, probably better, lowest score).

Thanks in advance for any help with that issue.

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That’s an interesting idea, but in the meantime, as a way to get extra practice, you can use the Cram feature (top menu bar). It allows you to select several grammar points and quiz yourself endlessly. :blush:

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I didn’t know about that Cram feature (I am not that good at English so the word “cram” meant nothing to me before I checked it out). ありがとうございます。

But I still believe it would be beneficial to have more than one sentence during reviews. Grammar point usually behave slightly different in different context.

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There are more than 1 sentence per grammar point. I do not know the exact logic about how it works though.

There are “ghosts” as well, but that are only failed cards if i understand it correctly. I got review sfrom grammar points that clearly can’t be tested with only one sentence (eg goban verbs) and yet there was only one sentence to test if i got it.

You can add your own sentences with the ‘Self Study’ feature on each grammar point. There are often loads more example sentences in the ‘Readings’ sections. You can pull from there and that can act as additional reviews :slight_smile: Same with any sentences you come across in the wild–books, articles, etc.

Use cram, and select the grammar points that you want to cram.

However, I would be careful with using this too much, as it may negatively affect your long term memory. For example, if your SRS interval is on 10 days, but you see that grammar point every two days in cram sessions, then when you get it right after 10 days, it does not mean you actually remember it. It just means maybe you can remember it for 2 days because that’s realistically how long ago you saw it.

I recommend faithfully letting the SRS do its job, without cramming too much (unless you have a test etc). That way you will actually have a reliable indicator of your memory when you go through reviews.


I’m also in favour of this feature. I think it would be useful to have a setting for how many sentences you want to see per review. Cram isn’t always the best way to get that (for the reasons Asher mentioned), and personally I’m never a fan of having to regularly switch between different modes to get what I would consider an adequate learning experience.

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