I’ve studied the Noun という Noun grammar point.
「げんき」という教科書です。A textbook called Genki.
「ジェームズ」というおじさんです。A middle-aged man called James.
Came across use of という this in my reading last night. I can’t quite get what to make of it in this instance.
近くの畑の野菜などが食べられてしましう - unfortunately being able to eat things like vegetables from nearby field
とても困ったことが - a very unfortunate event
I couldn’t quite put my finger on how to join these phrases using という
Unfortunately という has many guises so I’ve not found it straightforward to answer without disppearing down a rabbithole.
Obviously I can bang this into a translator for an answer, but looking for a pointer to a good resource or a bit of an explanation on how to advance my 「ジェームズ」という馬鹿者だよ knowledge.