My log of a stupid idea of pure self abuse

that’s quite interesting actually.
wonder if that will work better for me.


It is worth a shot (though it is never a bad idea to put everything you can in suspension / put in vacation mode just in case). I did have Torii completed up to N3 at this point though and WK in the late teens and had already worked my way through most of Satori and started reading some manga. So it depends a bit on how firm your base is. I’m not certain going only-acquisition is worth it if you still need to look up one or multiple words in each sentence (depending of course on the subject matter, there are still many works I’d have to look up every word :stuck_out_tongue: ), but if you have reached a point where you can comfortably read some stuff, I think it’s not bad to make the leap for a bit and see how it works out!


yeah, I’m about to hit level 20 on WK, but I do still have to look up multiple words on the tadoku graded readers level 2


Reading is a skill that only comes by reading more, you’ll get more comfortable quite quickly just by keeping it going ^^ (Though I do agree with the tadoku method in that, at least for the graded readers, you shouldn’t look stuff up, just infer from context and the images)

I would personally advice to still stick with some method of vocab SRS at the moment, at least until you worked your way through the level 2 stuff, once you reach level three you could probably start learning through immersion (finishing level 3 would be how I would personally do it though). But it’s something you can only decide for yourself, how much do you enjoy reading when you have to look stuff up, how clear is the grammar, … all factor in when / if you should make the switch.

Either way, best of luck, and I’d love to hear how it is going for you if you ever decide to make the switch!


I’ve dropped WK a while ago and I haven’t looked back. BunPro is the only SRS aside from my own crafted vocab anki deck.

The result is that I feel like I get better too by exposure and other methods. Sometimes I found that the mnemonics used in WaniKani were working against me, maybe because English is not my mother tongue, or something else. When that happens, people recommend finding your own mnemonics, but that kinda defeats the purpose of learning with WK, RTK or anything similar.


I had a similar experience, where I couldn’t use the mnemonics from WK because I already knew a lot of kanji (and radicals). The WK mnemonics just felt like “extra” memorizing.


i would be interested how your reading ability has improved due to the mangas.