I began to study Japanese last year, in late March. However, I was focused on learning to read and write kanji, and I mostly learned grammar and immersion but picking through Anki decks at a leisurely pace and learning through immersion, from which I didn’t learn much at my level. I started to seriously study Japanese this January, just two months ago, when I found BunPro and finished the N5 grammar. Since then, I have mastered the N4 grammar, and I’ve completed half of the N3 grammar, which brings me to my goals for the future.
Since beginning to study, my goal has remained to become perfectly fluent in Japanese, which would include passing the JLPT N1 exam. In order to complete this goal, I will be taking the JLPT this December, hopefully the N1 if I feel ready. In order to reach this lofty goal, I have developed a plan which will allow me to adequately prepare for the exam so that I can know what level I’ll be ready for when the time comes to register, which is early July. Here are the goals upon which I have decided.
By Saturday, July 1st, 2023, I will:
> Complete all of the N3 and N2 grammar on BunPro, giving myself time in between N3 and N2 to review before moving forward. This will require 3 grammar points per day, which shouldn’t be too much, since I’ve been doing 6 per day on average.
> Read 50 volumes of manga, which I have started–I will be finishing my third volume tonight. This goal will help me learn words and build my reading speed and general fluency; this will require that I read about 70 pages per day, which is reasonable at my current reading speed.
> Continue to use Anki to learn words at a rate of 30 new words from mining and 10 new proper nouns per day, including my reviews. This is reasonable, but might be the hardest of these goals to reach as I continue my learning journey.
I am certain I can reach my first two goals, and my third should be manageable with enough conscientiousness and proactive planning–it is possible that I will have to take a few days off of new cards or let reviews pile up during exam weeks, but if this happens, I will make sure to recover from it stronger than ever afterward. The third goal is less important over all thanks to learning vocabulary through BunPro review sentences and passively learning through reading, but I still want to keep up with it to make sure I learn enough for the JLPT.
I will use this thread to let everyone know how I am doing in reaching my goals, and I hope to be able to say I’ve met all of them by July 1st! Thanks to everyone here for keeping the community active and inspiring me to continue my journey to understanding spoken and written Japanese perfectly and being able to speak naturally with natives. また会う日まで、文プロ友達!